
adj.  不畅的



  1. Wang Xiao Ya phase broadcasts image exposure appearance is green unsmooth naive!
  2. The problems such as the unclearness of the property rights and the unsmooth circulation of the land, etc, begin to hinder the further development of the country economy and threat the social stability in the countryside.
  3. Analysis the influences of track geometrical unsmooth on high speed coach dynamic response
  4. The unsmooth phenomenon of network occurs from time to tome, so to orientate the breakdown is the key to remove it.
  5. The appearance, visual aesthetic feeling and real wood are all the same, the unsmooth design of the light relief, show the beauty of the lines of the wooden line especially.
  6. The Effects of Biomimetic Coupling Unsmooth Units Processed by Laser on Wear Resistance of Compacted Graphite Iron
  7. The most urgent point is to solve the problem of unsmooth employment channel and low income;
  8. Research on Wear-Resistant Composite With Bionic Unsmooth Surface
  9. Mutual information functions are often unsmooth.
  10. In addition, the decentralized controller not only considers fully the dynamic interaction of each joint and effects of unmodelled dynamics but also overcomes the unsmooth controller output and uncontinuous structure of existing decentralized controller and can guarantee the global asymptotic stability.
  11. The Design and Research of Die-casting Machine's Punch with Bionic Unsmooth Surface
  12. Objective: To explore the different mechanisms of action of warm and purgation method and warm and unsmooth method in promoting the repair of immunological injury of ulcerative colitis ( UC).
  13. The catastrophe theory is a mathematical tool, with which the uncontinue and unsmooth variation phenomenon can be described.
  14. Organism unsmooth theory in geometrical morphology is introduced first, and laser texturing techniques applied in increasing roll surface wearability is also described.
  15. Compared with conventional coupling bolts, the hydraulic radial-fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation.
  16. Teacher burnout is induced by extreme reaction of unsmooth dealing with working pressure, and that is a kind of prostrate state in mood, attitude and behavior caused by long-term pressure.
  17. Conclusion: Both the warm and purgation method and the warm and unsmooth method can increase EGF expression of UC patients, and promote repair of the injured mucous membrane by protection of EGF to mucous membrane of intestinal tract.
  18. In this paper, the vehicle dynamic model ( input of unsmooth going being considered) with 29 degrees of freedom is applied to study the dynamic climbing on rail and derailing process, and the whole process of the derailment is simulated.
  19. Go into seriously form reason, mainly include many policy obstacles, lack effective guide mechanism, unsmooth financing channel, bad quality of own enterprise, imperfect social service system.
  20. It is called an unsmooth surface if its first and second derivatives can't be both continuous and smooth.
  21. The problem of unsmooth transition between the stages of object oriented system development is presented.
  22. Through analysis of velocity vector field and velocity fluctuation this article probe into drag reduction mechanism of unsmooth surface.
  23. The properties of LP minimizing sequence of unsmooth convex function are given, and its relationship between stationary sequences is obtained.
  24. Because of the unsmooth fact of Doha Round, the new negotiation of services trade has proceeded difficultly.
  25. Soil animals'cuticles have the geometrical unsmooth morphology universally, according to the research of the bionics.
  26. The unsmooth flowing mechanism of Trust product;
  27. With the development of safe and efficient mine construction, tunneling under complicated geological conditions will inevitably bring new problems, this has seriously hampered the mine production, processes of mining and tunneling particularly become unsmooth.
  28. The social evaluation of university develops rapidly in recent years, but it also faces many problems which can boil down to three questions from the perspective of mechanism: unsmooth operating, a negative impact on power and shortage of constraints and supervision.
  29. Hunan rural endowment insurance system have much shortcomings, such as the existence of the management system unsmooth, the payment mechanism unreasonable, single fund-raising methods, low degree of social protection, Legal system is not perfect and so on.
  30. The findings proved that a environmental law system looks like complete and huge, but its inherent problems of law theory are the crux of this ambivalent phenomenon, among in which the unsmooth relief ways for environmental infringement prejudices the realization of the environment right directly.



  1. having or caused by an irregular surface
    1. trees with rough bark
    2. rough ground
    3. rough skin
    4. rough blankets
    5. his unsmooth face

    Synonym:    rough