With unstudied elegance, Grace, charm, etc. 以自然的文雅、优雅、魅力等。
The rich and privileged usually escape the ethnographic eye, leaving them as the unstudied, unquestioned category while the poor and disempowered are subject to the scrutiny of the sociological lens. 富人和特权阶层通常会逃过实地研究,使他们成为自然的、无可争议的那一群人,而穷人和被剥削者却要遭受社会学透镜的审查。
With her unstudied style and indefatigable spirit, she also represented everything that is brilliant about fashion. 她自然的风格、不知疲倦的精神代表着时装界的各种精彩。
Naturally occurring changes in a previously unstudied gene can prevent people from experiencing pain. And that's not good. It can leave them dangerously unaware of harm. 如果先天自然形成的基因发生自然性的改变,那么人类感受疼痛能力将会受阻,导致他们意识不到伤害,这样很危险!
Despite its immense popularity attested by countless collections, the quotation as a literary form has gone largely unstudied. 尽管有无数收藏品证明了语录极受欢迎,但做为一种文学形式来说,语录一直以来大多未被探究。
I'm always there for you, and for my boundless bliss, untapped and unstudied. 我将去接你,和你同去采撷无穷的幸福。
The history of the frontier service provides a very important and hitherto unstudied example through which we can understand the changes that Christian missionary activities underwent in modern China. 边疆服务的历史,对于认识基督教传教活动在近代中国经历的变化,提供了一个为以往的研究忽略了的重要例证。
However, detailed aspects of enzymatic mechanism such as substrate binding, release and relevant regulation remain unstudied. 然而,有关酶催化过程中的动力学机制,如底物的结合、定位与释放,以及这些动态过程是如何调节的,相关研究仍属空白。