Blog posts and comments piled up across the Web in reaction and over a million customers voted with their feet by unsubscribing to the Netflix service. 同时超过100万用户选择用脚投票,退订了网飞的服务。
If the level of dynamic subscribing or unsubscribing by applications is too high, then there will be greater level of broker database operations. 如果应用程序动态订阅或取消订阅的级别太高,则代理数据库操作的级别也将更高。
Unsubscribing takes a little more time than deleting, but it will save you hours every year. 取消订阅会比删除邮件多花费你一点时间,但这会给你每年节省出一些时间。
Unsubscribing from this newsgroup will delete all messages within it. 取消预定该新闻组将删除其中的所有邮件。
Unsubscribing from this newsgroup will delete all messages within it. A: Then may I suggest a family suite? We have just had a cancellation. 取消预定该新闻组将删除其中的所有邮件。那我提议你们入住家庭套房,刚有一位客人取消预定。