It also helps to eliminate known predictors of harmful strain, such as a lack of autonomy on the job, an unsupportive boss or co-workers, Dr. Nelson says. 纳尔逊博士说,消除诸如缺乏工作自主性、老板或同事不支持等你知道会导致有害压力的因素也很有帮助。
Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Teo, who led the study, found that people with unsupportive or critical spouses were significantly more likely to be depressed than people who were not in a steady, marriage-like relationship. 精神病学家AlanTeo医生,此项研究的主导人,发现有着不支持或者挑剔的配偶的人明显比没有处在稳定的婚姻般的恋爱的人更容易抑郁。
As a Malaysiancitizen, I ( as well as many other compatriots working here in Singapore) am not being unsupportive of my own country, but I do believe reason comes before loyalty. 身为马来西亚公民的我(甚至还有很多在新加坡工作的同胞们),并不是不支持祖国,而是帮理不帮亲。
He is unsupportive, overly critical, controlling and negative. 他不合作,过分走极端,爱管人和消极。
Finally, I endured the third, new and unsupportive chief executive for several months until successfully negotiating a decent cheque to go home. 最后一次,我对新上任又毫不帮忙的首席执行官容忍了好几个月,直到最后成功谈妥了一笔数目可观的遣散费。
Medium-term supply factors are also unsupportive as the government will need to issue more debt to finance the fiscal spending. 中期供给因素也缺乏支撑性,因为政府将必须发行更多债务为财政支出提供资金。
Because they misunderstand the intended meaning, they commonly react in an unsupportive manner. 男人却把这种表达当真,因为他们不了解内在意思,因而常不表赞同。
Avoidance, rationalization, resorting, self-abusiveness and venting descended successively when laid-off persons were exposed to the unsupportive stressors. 下岗人员对待不支持压力的应付方式由多至少依次为退避、合理化、求助、自责和发泄。
The order of the control perception was environmental changes, interpersonal relationships, emotions, and life in the circumstances of unsupportive stressors for laid-off workers, from high to low. 在面临不支持压力的情况下,下岗人员的控制感由高至低依次为环境变化、人际关系、情绪及生活方面的控制感。
The laid-off persons were enduring unsupportive stressor on information, and other stressors on emotion and material were slenderer than that. 下岗人员正承受着较强的信息不支持压力,情感和物质方面的不支持压力次之。