As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit. 作为一名高管培训师,他经常看到有的经理人因为某几个问题就陷入全面的混乱。所以,他经常要求他们抛开所有情绪和焦虑,然后开始一点一点地理清形势,解决问题。
Richard Tomkins sets about untangling the problem and comes up with an answer. 里查德·汤姆金斯着手解决这一问题,并提出了建议。
Were working right now on untangling the mess we left. 我们现在的工作就是要把我们上一季留下的烂摊子清理干净。
Untangling the statistics seems impossible. 解开这些统计数字似乎是不可能的。
Untangling finances feels like playing detective to me. 对我来说,解开财务问题感觉就是做一个侦探。
Otherwise, you'll probably spend more time untangling your dog's leash from trees and brush than you will enjoying your walk! 否则你大概就要花很多时间解决牵引带绕树缠草的麻烦,那多影响我们漫步山林的心情啊。
Untangling this is difficult, but economists have tackled it with relish, in the process finding evidence to support almost any prejudice. 要搞清楚这个问题很难,但经济学家们津津有味地加以研究,正找出相关证据,来支持几乎所有的成见。
Untangling the truth from the claims and counter-claims is always tricky. 从诉讼和反诉中厘清事实真相一向是件棘手的事情。
It may force China to start untangling the variety of motives behind its persistent effort to control the influx of foreign cultural and information products. 也许它将揭开中国政府坚持对引入外国文化和信息产品严加控制背后的一系列动机。
The discipline of ecology is essential for untangling these complexities. 生态学对于解开这些复杂性至关重要。
Or failing students might cram to rescue their grades. Untangling the statistics seems impossible. 差生可能为了几个而在考试前突击学习。解开这些统计数字似乎是不可能的。
As you can see, annotations are very handy for untangling the names of crosscutting elements into multiple pieces. 可以看出,对于将横切元素的名字分解为多个部分,使用注释很方便。
But if your first pulls are good ones, the untangling becomes easier with each move. 但是如果你开始找到的线头就是好的,解开线团会更容易。
Making clear the supervision function and untangling the supervision working system. 6. 明确卫生监督职能,理顺卫生监督工作机制。