In India, we just call them untouchables. 在印度,我们称其为贱民。
It is speculated that the Untouchables were originally assigned such lowly tasks because of their non Aryan origins. 这是推测,铁面无私原来分配的任务,例如卑贱,因为他们非雅利安人的起源。
To me only Cech and Terry are untouchables. 依我所见,只有切赫和特里是‘碰不得的’。
Gandhi established another ashram and calmly declared that he welcomed: Untouchables! 甘地又创办了一个静修院并镇静地宣布:欢迎贱民。
And it's not like the Bulls believe they have a team filled with untouchables. I think they know they aren't quite there yet. 看起来公牛还不至于自信到全队都装满才华横溢的非卖品。相信他们知道自己没有那么强。
Oral history rejects linguistic hegemony and can be performed in various languages with its audience coming from either the noblemen or the "untouchables". 口述史能够拒绝语言强势,可以用各种语言操演,其听众既可以是权贵,也可以是贱民。
How the untouchables participate the process of social development sectors will directly affect the development of India. 贱民阶层如何参与社会发展进程将直接影响印度各方面的发展,贱民阶层的未来在某种程度上决定着印度社会的未来。
Under caste sysytem, untouchables and women have endured every kind of oppression and discrimination. 在这一制度下,贱民阶层和妇女备受歧视和压迫。
His Neo-Buddhism aimed to the untouchables get a new religious identity, to gain a political identity and social identity, in the end get rid of discrimination and slavery fate. 他的新佛教旨在为贱民获得一个新的宗教身份,从而获得一个政治身份和社会身份,摆脱受歧视和奴役的命运。
In addition to the above characteristics of the innocent people, untouchables are more inferior in status, and even as a tool. 贱民除了具备良民的以上特点外,他们在身份上更低贱,甚至被当做工具使用。
These factors make the actor status change," untouchables "to" civilian "change. 这些因素促使伶人地位有所转变,贱民向平民转变。