ADJ 未尝试过的;未经试验的 If someone or something is untried, they have not yet experienced certain situations or have not yet been tried out, so you do not know what they will be like.
He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own. 他年纪轻,经验浅,没名气。
...a long legal battle through untried areas of law. 在新的法律领域进行的一场长久的法律战
He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own. 他年纪轻,经验浅,没名气。
He told her that the man was employed by himself and others who were working with him in that district, to paint these reminders that no means might be left untried which might move the hearts of a wicked generation. 他告诉她,写格言的那个人是他和另外一些在那个教区工作的人请来的,把那些格言写上去,目的也就是要去感化邪恶一代的心。
Our faith is the center of the target at which God doth shoot when He tries us; and if any other grace shall escape untried, certainly faith shall not. 神试验我们的时候,把我们的信心当作射击的箭靶;如果,别的可以免去试验的话,信心是定规免不了试验的。
Reality: It's human nature to be skeptical of the unknown and the untried. 事实:它是人类对于未知和未尝试的领域怀疑的天然属性。
On the other hand, MDBs are relatively new and untried. 另一方面,MDB相对来说还是一种很新鲜的事物,没有经过很多的检验。
It's okay to get creative with your marketing, but don't bet the rent money on untried techniques. 在市场营销上有创意是好的,但是不要将贷款花在未经实验的技术上。
I am not a fatalist who thinks nothing can be done, but I worry that jumping to fiscal conclusions can distract us from other, untried, policies with a better chance of success. 我不是听天由命的宿命论者,但我担心,匆忙得出要改变财政政策的结论,可能让我们忽视其他未经尝试、具有更大胜算的政策。
The OECD will say in a report to be discussed by ministers today that politicians are rigging the market in favour of an untried technology that will have only limited impact on climate change. 经合组织今日将在一份交由各国部长讨论的报告中表示,政界人士正左右市场支持一项未经实验的技术,这项技术仅对气候变化影响有限。
Her spirits were greatly subdued now when the fact of entering upon strange and untried duties confronted her. 现在事到临头,马上要去从事一件陌生的工作,她的情绪低落了。
A day of it to the untried mind is like opium to the untried body. 这样的一天对于没有经验的心灵就像鸦片对于没有烟瘾的肉体一般。
It is still an untried policy. 这是一项尚未试行过的政策。
Yet finding such companies requires painstaking and time-consuming research and often requires betting on untried managers. 不过要找出这种企业需要进行艰苦而耗时的调研,而且常常需要押注于未经验证的管理人。
This latter way is the true one, but hitherto untried. 这后一种方法是真实的,但尚未有人试用过。
A skilled warrior may exhibit his brayery in a certain course of action, whereas an untried soldier would be foolish to do the same thing. 一名训练有素的斗土可能在某一具体的战斗中表现勇敢,而一名没有经历过战斗的士兵做同样的事情将会是愚蠢的。
Once you understand that the new, and often untried, will prove more worthwhile than the familiar and reassuring, everything else falls into place. 一旦你认识到,那些新的、未曾尝试过的东西会比那些你熟悉与放心的事物更有意义、价值时,一切都会各就各位。
Pilots are conducted to evaluate significant changes involving untried, high-risk, or innovative improvements before they are broadly deployed. 在广泛部署前,应对未经实验、高风险或创新的改进建议的重大变革进行试用以评估其影响。
Most recently, new and untried policies such as quantitative and credit easing have had to be introduced. 最近,定量及信贷宽松政策等未曾使用过的新政策也不得不相继出台。
An untested drug; untested theory; an untried procedure. 未经试验的药品;未经证实的理论;未经核查的手续。
Unseasoned artillery volunteers; still untested in battle; an illustrator untried in mural painting. 没有经验的志愿炮兵;仍未经受战争的考验;没有尝试过壁画的插图画家。
Governments are being urged to consider more drastic measures than emissions cuts, including untried and exotic methods such as erecting mirrors in space. 人们敦促各国政府除了减排,还要考虑更激烈的措施,包括在太空安装镜子等未试用过的非常规手段。
No matter how much you are achieving now, there are still fresh and untried areas of your mind to be stimulated through reading, study, thought, conversation, and exploration of your environment. 无论你现在已取得多大的成绩,在你头脑里仍有新的未经开发的部分,要靠阅读、学习、思考、会话以及对环境的探索来激活。
While you're always interested to hear about new and intriguing ideas, getting involved in anything untried is another matter. 虽然你总是很喜欢听到新鲜有趣的主意,但是去做未试验过的事可就是另一回事了。
Corner losses may be reduced through the use of two relatively untried innovations. 拐角损失可以采取下述两种未经实践的新措施来减少。