Like Hollywood executives, hedge-fund chieftains are often the most casually dressed guys in the room ( though their Seven jeans and untucked Lacostes cost as much as some suits). 像好莱坞管理人士一样,对冲基金业的老板们经常是办公室里穿着最随意的(虽然他们穿的Seven牛仔裤和鳄鱼(Lacostes)休闲装并不比某些套装便宜)。
The government also suggested that men wear their shirts untucked. 同时政府还建议男士穿衬衣不需系扣子。
His scanty clothing did not keep out the cold. the sheet came untucked; plain untucked shirt front. 他那单薄的衣衫不足以御寒。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。
They can be worn with a suit and tie or untucked and loosely buttoned with shorts. 它们能与西装和领带匹配,也能少系点纽扣、松松垮垮地搭配短裤。
A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind. the sheet came untucked; plain untucked shirt front. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。
The sheet came untucked; plain untucked shirt front. 被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。
I was standing on the cemented platform waiting for the train that would take me to College, my untucked shirt flapping wildly in the unrelenting autumn gusts. 谷歌翻译成这样了我在骨水泥的火车将带我上大学等着站在台上,我疯狂地扑在拆开衬衫的不懈秋季阵风。
Shirts had come untucked. Tie knots were at half-mast. 衬衣扣子都解开了,领结也散落下来。
Are your buns untucked, relaxed behind you, and not held tightly toward each other or underneath you? 你的臀部是否不紧张,而是放松的在你的身后,并且没有向中间夹紧或向下坠?