To-morrow would bring its own trial with it; so would the next day, and so would the next; each its own trial, and yet the very same that was now so unutterably grievous to be borne. 明天还要有明天的考验与之俱来,后天也会如此,再下一天仍会如此;每天都有每天的考验,然而在忍受难以言喻的痛苦这一点士又都是一样的。
These two felt unutterably bound to each other. 这两个人都觉得极其难舍难分。
It's unutterably too much for flesh and blood to bear& even mine. ' 这对于有血有肉的人是太难堪啦&连我都受不了啦!
How unutterably dear he was standing there with his eyes twinkling, all unaware of her excitement. 他站在那儿,眼睛熠熠闪光,仿佛没有意识到她很激动,那神态是多么难以言喻地可爱呀!
She was wearing an unutterably tasteless outfit. 她穿着一套俗不可耐的服装。
The talk was long and unutterably dull. 谈话是又长又枯燥得无可复加。