ADJ 不知情的;不知不觉的;无意的 If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it.
We're unwitting victims of the system... 我们都是该系统的不知情的受害者。
It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair's part. 它曾是布莱尔的无心之失。
He had been unwittingly deluded by their mystical nonsense. 他不知不觉被他们故弄玄虚的胡说八道给骗了。
He was struck with blindness in his youth, because he had spied unwittingly on the goddess Athena. 由于他年轻时不小心窥见了女神雅典娜,他的双目失明。
Family and friends aren't the only people whose goals you might have unwittingly adopted. 家庭和朋友并不是唯一让你稀里糊涂地认同某些人生目标的因素。
A COURT proposal is bringing new hope to women who unwittingly marry gay men. 一项法院提案给那些在不知情中嫁给男同性恋的女人们带来了新的希望。
With these thoughts he unwittingly fell asleep. 这些想法,他不知不觉入睡。
The joke was about how human beings can unwittingly immerse themselves in utterly futile activities. 这个喜剧有关人类如何能不知不觉地沉浸在绝对徒劳无功的活动中。
I regret any anxiety or concenrn which I may, unwittingly, have caused. 我对我无心造成的任何焦虑或忧心表示抱歉。
You might think you are being objective but you could unwittingly sway the reader with your choice of words. 你可能认为你是客观的,但是你可能无意中用你所选择的言辞影响了读者。
When we speak of Greeks, we unwittingly speak of today and yesterday. 当我们论及希腊人时,实际上我们是在不由自主地谈论现在和过去。
The tools of the information age can unwittingly strip knowledge of its intellectual and legal context. 信息时代的工具可能在不经意之间剥夺知识的智力和法律环境。
The loose definition of infringement in SOPA could include sites that unwittingly carry comments linking to pirated material. SOPA中侵权的松散定义包括了无意中链接到盗版材料的网站。
I had to be grateful to her for having, however unwittingly, saved my life. 我得感激她救了我的命,尽管她是完全无心的。
These triggers can come wittingly or unwittingly from our adversaries or from our friends and colleagues. 这些触发可能有意无意地来自欺负者、或我们的朋友和同事。
What is intended as a rescue mechanism would then unwittingly become a crisis propagator. 原本用作纾困的一个机制不经意间变成了一个危机传播器。
Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment in which the birds live. 徒步旅行者可能无意中破坏鸟类生活的脆弱环境。
In one respect, however, Mr Paulson did the right thing albeit unwittingly. 不过,从某方面来说,保尔森采取了正确的做法尽管是无意识的。
Unwittingly I walked into a bog. 不知不觉地我走进了一个烂泥塘。
Last night I dream back to the Angkor again with tears unwittingly. 昨天夜里我又一次回到了梦中的吴哥,不知觉已泪失满面。
He has a tendency to pop off, unwittingly offending many people. 他有信口开河的毛病,无意中得罪了不少人。
People hate those who unwittingly harm the cause of peace. 人们痛恨那些在不知不觉中危害和平事业的人。
Project delivery in the four touch the moment, I unwittingly fell in love with you. 在四目交触的一瞬间,我不知不觉爱上了你。
He unwittingly deleted the references. 他无意中删去了那些参考书。
This savvy bird seems to not want to break this piece of quiet, so unwittingly flew away. 这善解人意的鸟儿似乎也不愿打破这片宁静,就这样不知不觉地飞走了。
If I offended you it was unwittingly. 要是我冒犯了您,也是无心之失。
She unwittingly participated in their scheme. 她不知不觉地就中了他们的诡计。
Sometimes, the workaholic may have unwittingly created the problems to provide the endless thrill of more work. 有时,工作狂也许会不经意的制造出难题,为更多的工作兴奋不已。
We had intended to talk about work, but unwittingly started to talk about football. 我们本来是要说工作的,但不知不觉就谈开了足球。
My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve. 我关于离婚的言论无意间触到了别人的痛处。
The game completely grasp of human nature, unwittingly, let the game around. 这款游戏,完全抓住人性,在不知不觉中,让游戏左右。
But now I know that something happened unwittingly. 现在我知道了,很多事情不知不觉就来了。