If tempo is high then players will look to move the ball around quickly and get it further upfield sooner. 如果节奏是高的,那么球员就会寻求快速传切球,而且会尽早把球传到前场。
The comparison United's supporters prefer is with Duncan Edwards, a pure thoroughbred who would glide upfield with colossal intent before the Munich air disaster claimed his life. 曼联球迷喜欢的比较是邓肯。爱德华兹,他在慕尼黑空难之前也展现了伟大的天赋。
Iran came out more determined in the second half and equalised after captain Mehdi Mahdavikia made his first foray upfield. 伊朗在下半场左右着比赛,他们的队长到前场的第一次助攻就扳平了比分。
An Investigation Analysis on the Bobble in Centre Field and Upfield of our Football Team 对我院足球队队员在比赛中前场接停球失误原因的调查分析
The binding of La 3+ caused conformational change of tRNA, which makes some of the shift peaks upfield or downfield. La3+引起tRNA分子构象的变化并且导致一些谱峰向高场或低场位移。
In the defensive phase of centre field and upfield, they make high usage of the single press while the half court man-to-man turns into the dominance in the backcourt. 四强队伍在中前场防守阶段单人紧逼防守使用率很高,后场防守时以半场人盯人防守为主要形式。