Our Urbanist in Chief may sit in the Oval Office, but Americans continue to vote with their feet for the adopted hometown of widely disdained former President George W. 我们的城市规划主管仍在美国白宫高居其位,然而美国选民们却继续“用脚投票”,支持臭名昭著的前总统乔治·W。布什的家乡。
This is likely to be the essential professional responsibility of any architect and urbanist. 这就像建筑师和城市设计者必不可少的专业责任。
Sir Terry Farrell, an architect and urbanist, believes leadership is the key. 建筑师、城市规划专家特里法雷尔爵士(SirTerryFarrell)认为,领导力是关键。