Conclusion The characteristic color comet tail sign can be used to make Up the inadequacy of B-mode sonography and improve the accuracy rate in the Diagnosis and differential Diagnosis between the Calculus of urethroprostatic part and other high echo lesions in the prostate such as Prostatic calculus or calcification. 结论尿道前列腺部结石周边或后方的五彩镶嵌彩色多普勒信号的特异性征象,有确诊价值,弥补了B超诊断的不足,与前列腺强回声病灶具有鉴别诊断意义。
Results 7 cases in external orifice of urethra, 16 in urethroprostatic part, 6 in internal orifice of urethra, 1 had no calculus. 结果结石位于尿道外口7例,结石位于膜部尿道16例,结石位于尿道内口6例,1例无尿道结石。