Objective: To prevent the side reactions of intravenous urography and improve the quality of nursing care. 目的预防静脉尿路造影中的不良反应,提高护理质量。
Clinical Applications of Magnetic Resonance Urography Technology in Pediatric Urinary System The influences of intraoperative high-field MRI scanning on ECG 磁共振MRU技术在儿童尿路疾病中的应用术中高场强磁共振扫描对心电图的影响
Intravenous urography If Intraosseous Venography is Necessary Before Injection of Polymethylmethacrylate in Percutaneous Vertebroplasty 静脉注射尿路造影术椎体成形术中是否有必要行骨静脉造影
Objective To compare the ability of magnetic resonance urography ( MRU) and conventional intravenous urography ( IVU) to diagnose the cause of ureteric obstruction. 目的比较磁共振尿路造影(MRU)和静脉尿路造影(IVU)在上尿路梗阻中的诊断价值。
Gadopentetic acid as an oral negative gastrointestinal contrast agent for magnetic resonance urography Study on MR urography and intravenous urography in diagnosis of urologic obstructive diseases 口服钆喷酸葡胺溶液行磁共振泌尿系水成像的临床应用磁共振尿路水成像与静脉尿路造影在泌尿系梗阻性疾病的对比研究
It is superior to ureter intravenous urography in diagnosis of cause of narrow ureter and measuring the length of narrow segment. 在诊断输尿管狭窄的病因及测量狭窄段输尿管的长度方面明显优于静脉尿路造影。
The value of spiral CT and CT urography in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis 螺旋CT及尿路造影对肾积水疾病的诊断价值
Evaluation of spiral CT urography in the diagnosis of ureteral diseases 多排螺旋CT泌尿系成像在输尿管病变诊断中的应用
Clinical Evaluation of Multi-slice Spiral CT Urography in the Diagnosis of Obstructive Diseases of upper Urinary Tract 多层螺旋CT尿路造影在上尿路梗阻性疾病中的诊断价值研究
Application of multislice spiral CT urography in the diagnosis of stricture of ureteropelvic junction 多层螺旋CT尿路造影诊断肾盂输尿管交界部狭窄
The diagnostic value of multi-slice spiral CT urography ( MSCTU) on duplex kidneys with abnormal ureters 多层螺旋CT泌尿系成像(MSCTU)对重复肾、输尿管的诊断价值
Diagnostic value of CT urography in subtypes of renal cell carcinoma CT尿路造影对肾癌病理亚型的鉴别诊断价值
16-slice CT urography in 136 cases of urinary tract diseases 16层CT尿路造影在136例泌尿系疾病患者中的应用
Value of 16 Multiple-Slice Spiral CT Low Tension Urography in Diagnosis of Renal and Uretal Obstructive Disease 16层螺旋CT低张尿路造影在肾脏输尿管梗阻性疾病中的应用价值
The effect of CT urography in the diagnosis of non calculus urinary obstruction diseases CT尿路造影在非结石性尿路梗阻病变中的诊断价值
Clinical evaluation of multislice computerized tomography urography in the diagnosis of upper urinary tract neoplasms 多层螺旋CT尿路造影对无痛性血尿的上尿路肿瘤的诊断价值
Application of CT urography reconstruction in percutaneous nephrolithotomy Utility of MRI and MRU for diagnosing the ureteral diseases CT尿路成像三维重建在经皮肾镜取石术中的运用磁共振成像和磁共振尿路造影对诊断输尿管病变的应用价值
Clinical evaluation of IVP, CTU and MRU in the diagnosis of urinary system stones Spiral CT urography and CT virtual endoscopy in detecting urological diseases 静脉肾盂造影、CT尿路造影及磁共振尿路成像在诊断泌尿系统结石中的价值计算机断层扫描螺旋尿路成像与仿真内窥镜技术的临床应用
Evaluation of the clinical application of the intravenous urography and CT urography 静脉肾盂造影和CT静脉肾盂造影的临床应用价值的探讨
Study on MR urography and intravenous urography in diagnosis of urologic obstructive diseases 磁共振尿路水成像与静脉尿路造影在泌尿系梗阻性疾病的对比研究
Comparison of color Doppler ultrasonography and nuclide nephro-dynamic imaging on functional evaluation of the kidney with no image on intravenous urography 彩色多普勒血流成像与核素肾动态显像评估重度积水不显影肾脏功能的对比研究
Objective: To evaluate the technique value of MR urography ( MRU) and intravenous urography ( IVU). 目的:评价静脉尿路造影技术(IVU)与低场强磁共振泌尿系水成像技术(MRU)在泌尿系统疾病检查中的应用价值。
Conclusion Intravenous urography is the main diagnosis of upper urinary tract tumors. 结论静脉肾盂造影仍为上尿路肿瘤的主要检查方法,其与逆行肾盂造影相结合,可基本完成对上尿路肿瘤的诊断。
Conclusions Urography is a reliable method for the diagnosis of retrocaval ureter. 结论泌尿系造影检查是诊断下腔静脉后输尿管的可靠方法。
Conclusion IVU and retrograde urography may be helpful to establish the diagnosis of ureteral polyps. 结论IVU(分泌性尿路造影)加输尿管逆行造影检查可能对诊断输尿管息肉有帮助,其特征是边缘光滑锐利的充盈缺损。
Objective To evaluate the magnetic resonance urography ( MRU) technique for depicting the urinary deformity. 目的评价磁共振尿路成像(MRU)技术在诊断尿路畸形中的临床应用价值。
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value and limitation of urography in retrocaval ureter. 目的评价泌尿系造影在下腔静脉后输尿管诊断中的价值。
Objective To evaluate the value of dynamic urography, CT, MRI in diagnosing upper urinary tract obstructive diseases. 目的分析评价影像学检查(尿路造影、CT、MRI)对上尿路梗阻性疾病的诊断价值。
Ureteral carcinoma should be considered when B mode ultrasound and venous urography show hydronephrosis and no development. 经B型超声波或静脉尿路造影检查发现肾积水或肾不显影时,应考虑到输尿管癌的可能。
Objective: To evaluate the findings of intravenous urography ( IVU) in ureter stones. 目的:探讨输尿管结石的静脉尿路造影(IVU)表现。