Usea stick to check the depth and firmness of the ground in front of you. 找根棍子来试试水深,和面前地面的硬度。
I think we could usea few laughs around here. 我想我们需要寻找些笑料。
It is pointed out that this kind of robot is unsuitable for robot teaching that usea the way of closed ring to conduct articulated control. 指出了该机器人不适合于采用闭环方式进行关节控制的机器人教学。
Its root is not found and usea consistent with the law of artistic creation of the power resources. 其根源就是没有找到和运用一种符合艺术创作规律的动力资源。
The patients 'glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow have decreased before the increase of the serum creatinine and usea nitrogen, which is called subclinical HRS, which is could not be diagnosed by the normal renal function detection. 肝硬变患者在血肌酐、尿素氮升高之前,就已经存在肾小球滤过率和肾血流量的下降,称为亚临床HRS,常规的肾功能检查不能识别。