The position, application and development of the optical fiber technique in future warfare are dis(?) ussed from the property of modern warfare, and finally, the development(?) tat(?) 从现代战争特点出发论述了光纤技术在未来战争中的地位、应用和发展,最后简要介绍我国光纤技术发展情况。
Finally, the multiple control points model for multiple degree of freedom vibration modes was analyzed by numerical method and the selection of number of control points together with their locations are dis(?) ussed as well. 最后,对多振型多点控制模型进行了数值分析,并探讨了选择控制点个数和位置的方法。
Research of Network Security Based on Campus Card System Ussed in University 高校园区一卡通中网络安全的研究