Television utilises the cinematographic projection principle. 电视应用了放映电影的投影原理。
To time the startup of Eclipse, we use a custom view ( described earlier in the article) that utilises the IBM JVM trace to write out messages when it loads. 为了统计Eclipse的启动时间,我们将使用一个定制的视图(参见本文前面的说明),它在装载时使用IBMJVM跟踪输出消息。
The business utilises sub-contractors for several specific production processes. 对一些特殊的生产流程由承包商执行。
It could repeat the boom-and-bust cycle that has marked South American economies unless it utilises the current period of high commodity prices to restructure its economy, improve governance and invest in infrastructure. 如果不能利用当前大宗商品价格高企的时机,调整经济结构,完善治理,投资基础设施,那么,巴西就有可能重蹈南美经济体盛衰周期的覆辙。
Persons in responsible positions should have the appropriate training for the management and use of systems within their field of responsibility which utilises computers. 管理人员,若其工作领域需要使用到计算机系统,则应当接受合理管理和使用计算机系统的培训。
Watching the Udinese match I said to ( Nicklas) Bendtner that now we have no-one so comfortable with passing the ball to Robin van Persie or who ideally utilises the qualities of the other forwards. 在观看与乌迪尼斯的比赛时我告诉本特纳说,现在我们没有了能够依赖的传球手为范佩西输送炮弹,或是能合理运用其他前锋的素质的人。
Enemy AI now utilises spare rams. ai会利用多余的撞锤了。
HIFU therapy utilises ultrasound energy to heat and destroy tumour tissue whilst leaving surrounding healthy tissue intact. 高强聚焦超声利用超声转化的热能摧毁肿瘤组织的同时不伤及到周围的正常组织来治疗肿瘤。
The servo drive-controlled wing, which can move up and down, utilises the Fin Ray Effect and is based on alternate pulling and pushing flanks connected via frames. 利用射线效应并基于与四周有连接的拱侧翼交替推拉运动的原理,私伺服控制的羽翼可以上下移动。
Fluidized& bed furnace is a new type device for heat treatment, which utilises fluidization technology for moving solid particles in a state of suspension by the action of gases. 流态床炉是一种新型的热处理设备,是利用气固流态化技术制成的。
As for the portrayal of Stephen's spiritual struggles, i.e. struggles for freedom, struggles against emotional predicament and religious afflictions, Joyce utilises mainly the techniques of fantasy and interior monologue, since they are conducive to the illustration of Stephen's endopsychic conflicts. 而在反映斯蒂芬的精神抗争方面,如:关于自由、情感、宗教的抗争等,乔依斯则主要运用了幻想和内心独白等技巧,其原因在于它们有助于描绘斯蒂芬的内心冲突。
The performance of hysteresis-reluctance is superior to usual hysteresis motor, be-cause it could effectively and simultaneously utilises electro-magnetic torque produced by hysteresis effect and reluctance effect. 磁滞-磁阻电动机可有效地同时利用磁滞效应和磁阻效应产生的电磁转矩,因此其性能优于普通的磁滞电动机。