They departed without uttering a word. 他们一言不发地离开了。
The doctor, the priest, and the woman gazed at Marius in the midst of their affliction without uttering a word; he was the stranger there. 医生、神甫和那妇人从悲痛中望着马吕斯,谁都不说一句话,惟有他,才是外人。
There he remained for twelve hours, the twelve long hours of a long winter's night, ice-cold, without once raising his head, and without uttering a word. 他呆了十二个小时,一个隆冬漫漫长夜里的十二个小时,他冻得冰凉,但没有抬一下头,也没有说一句话。
Uttering joyous leaves all its life without a friend or lover near 附近没有一个朋友或一个情人却一直不停地长出欢快的叶子
Napoleon had died uttering the word army, Lamarque uttering the word country. 拿破仑在临终时说的是“军队”,拉马克临终时说的是“祖国”。
The unfortunate physician, while uttering these words, lifted his hands with a look of horror, as if he had beheld some frightful shape, which he could not recognise, usurping the place of his own image in a glass. 那不幸的医生,一边说着这番话,一边神色恐怖地举起双手,仿佛他看到了某个不认识的怪影在镜中侵夺了他的映象。
Prince Andrey addressed him, but the doctor, looking at him in a distracted way, passed by without uttering a word. 安德烈公爵向他转过脸来。可是医生惘然若失地朝他望了一眼,没有开口说出一句话来,就从他身旁走过去了。
After uttering those prophetic words, he undressed himself moodily, and got into bed. 在说了这些预言性的话之后,他郁郁不乐地脱掉衣服,上了床。
Not uttering a word, Paulus calmly took out two penknives of his pocket and put them on the table. 保卢斯默不作声,平静的从口袋里拿出两把小刀放在了桌子上。
Normally cool heads in central banks and international organisations are uttering notes of alarm. 各国央行和国际组织中通常冷静的人士正发出警告。
Uttering other people's credit card; 冒用他人信用卡的;
These verbs mean to express one's thoughts by uttering words. 这些动词都有把自己的想法说出的意思。
Putting a sentence together and then uttering it aloud was not only excruciating but humiliating, as people quickly lost patience with his slow and often incomprehensible speech. 把一个句子放在一起,然后大声说出它,不仅是痛苦的,而且令人感到羞辱。人们很快地对于他缓慢,而常常难以理解的讲话失去了耐心。
Barbicane followed him without uttering a word. 巴比康跟着他走着,一句话也没说。
She has a way of disparaging me even while uttering laud-atory phrases. 她即使在对我歌功颂德时也有办法来贬低我一番。
He looked at me without uttering a word. 他看着我,没说一句话。
They suspect that he's uttering false money. 他们怀疑他在用假钞。
Seagulls were flying overhead uttering their mocking cry. 海鸥在上空飞翔,发出嘲弄般的鸣叫声。
And Nicholas turned away and continued his walk, and began uttering aloud the first words that came into his head. 他和尼古拉折返并继续走路,第一句话,开始放响了,来到他的头部。
Warnings about the Chinese property market are hardly new, but what made this comment more startling was the person uttering it. 对中国房地产市场的警示已经司空见惯,但这个评论更让人吃惊的地方,在于说出这个警示的人。
He returned at night weary, and ate his broth without uttering a word. 他天黑回家,精疲力尽,一言不发,吃他的菜汤。
When the group of friends present saw that he was uttering nonsense, they began to leave one after another until there were only him and me left. 一班朋友见他这样没头没脑的,就陆续散去,只剩着我和他了。
She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a word. 整个会议她一直坐着,一言为发。
He was convicted of uttering a false check. 他因使用假支票而被判有罪。
They, too, are composing their responses to our sentences before we have finished uttering them. 他们也同样在我们还没有说完话之前就在组织对我们的回答了。
He put the food into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed, uttering some perfunctory words of appreciation. 他把食物放到嘴里,嚼了嚼,咽下去,敷衍地说了几句赞美之词。
Uttering a loud inarticulate cry as of pain or excitement. 由于疼痛或者兴奋说出的响亮却口齿不清的喊叫。
When I had ceased speaking, he thankfully raised his eyes to heaven, but without uttering a word. 我说完以后,他感激地抬起头,可没有说一句话。
For my part, I cannot keep from uttering an exclamation of surprise! 我那时是惊奇地叫了一声的!