The degree of fatty infiltration of uvular tissue correlated with neck circumference, WHR, weight and size of uvula, TC and TC/ HDL in two groups, and also had positive correlation with degree of OSAS recorded by AHI in OSAS group. 两组病例咽悬雍垂脂肪浸润程度与颈围、腰围、WHR、悬雍垂大小以及血脂中TC、TC/HDL正相关;
The uvular stop/ q/ was not an aspirated one at the end of the syllable. Blood Pressure Analysis and Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Uvular-palatopharyngeal Plastic Operation 这一时期长元音已形成,小舌清塞音在音节末不送气。悬雍垂腭咽成形术病人血压分析及护理
Uvular Embryonic Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Case Report 悬雍垂胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤1例报道