If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A, the deposit will not be returned to Party B. 乙方如在租赁期内中途退租,在末经得甲方同意下,原押金不予退还。
As George W.Bush vacates the White House, his twin daughters have passed on some advice to the Obama girls& find loyal friends, slide down the banisters, and remember who your dad really is. 布什已经离开白宫,而他的双胞胎女儿则为新任总统奥巴马的两个女儿留下了一些意见和建议,比如交几个知心朋友、滑楼梯扶手以及牢记自己的父亲是个怎样的人等等。