I take an assortment of clothes on holiday, as a provision against the vagaries of the weather. 我带了各种衣服去度假,以防天气突变。
The length of women's hair may no longer be seen as a result of the vagaries of fashion, but as an accurate barometer of the nation's wealth. 女性头发的长度不再单单是彰显个性或者时尚的信号了,它也成为了国家经济的晴雨表。
These vagaries of U.S.agriculture illustrate its dynamic, unstable nature and confirm the hazards of forecasting its future. 美国农业的这些预想说明了它的动态的、不稳定的本性,并证明了其未来预测的偶然性。
Visibility is more subtle; it deals with the vagaries of memory caching and compiler optimizations. 可见性则更为微妙;它要对付内存缓存和编译器优化的各种反常行为。
What most programmers think about when they think about variable or object type owes a lot to the vagaries of computer CPUs& even among programmers of high level languages like Python. 大部分程序员在考虑变量或对象类型时都会联想起计算机CPU的奇特行为&即使是那些使用诸如Python这种高级语言的程序员也是如此。
However, the vagaries of representing non-integral numbers do occasionally sneak into otherwise integer-centric programs. 然而,在以整数为主的程序中有时确实会出人意料地需要表示非整型数据。
Pre-built code is less sensitive to system vagaries and thus more uniform and predictable. 预构建代码对系统特性不那么敏感,因此更统一且可预测。
But turkey the word is a geographic mess& a tribute to the vagaries of colonial trade and conquest. 但是turkey一词来源是一种地理上的大杂烩&是对殖民地贸易和征服的异想天开的献礼。
Science puts an end to the vagaries of human disputes; research creates controversies. 科学宣告了人类种种不着调的争议的结束,研究却引发了新的争议。
We did not think it hypocritical to draw over our vagaries the curtain of a decent silence. 我们对自己的一些荒诞不经的行为遮上一层保持体面的缄默,并不认为这是虚伪。
But he knew too much about the vagaries of women to be caught like this. 可是他太了解女人这样的异想天开。
China's rapid recent growth has made it increasingly likely that its gross domestic product, in US dollar terms, will be larger this year than Japan's. However, the vagaries of international currency movements mean such a result is far from assured. 中国的快速增长意味着,以美元计算,中国今年的国内生产总值(GDP)超过日本的可能性越来越大。不过,变幻莫测的国际汇率,意味着这一结果远非十拿九稳。
She has ther own style and is not influenced by the vagaries of fashion. 她有自己的生活方式,不受各种怪异多变的时尚所影响。
Sunday passed with equal doubts, worries, assurances, and heaven knows what vagaries of mind and spirit. 星期天过去了,这一天充满着同样的疑虑,担忧,自我宽慰,和天知道还有些什么别的异想天开。
In doing so, they proved that though we were wrong to think we had escaped the vagaries of the business cycle, we did have the ability to overcome the vices of parochial politics that led to calamity in the 1930s. 在此过程中,他们证明了这样一点:虽然我们自认为已经摆脱商业周期的变幻莫测是不对的,但我们确实有能力克服导致20世纪30年代那种灾难的狭隘政治。
Perhaps you would like to have enough Great, look down on small enterprises was weak, but the vagaries of the market situation, the last laugh is the most talented people will laugh. 也许你现在已经足够大,瞧不起弱小的企业弱小的人,但是市场风云变幻莫测,笑到最后的人才是最会笑的人。
Thereafter you are subject to the vagaries of the market. 此后,你就要看市场行情的变化了。
He displayed the liveliest interest in human vagaries, together with the wide view that makes the work a classic. 他对人类的异想天开显示了浓厚的兴趣,加以涉及的幅度广阔,使他这部历史成了经典著作。
The vagaries of collection over 12 hours are so great that shorter collecting periods are preferable. 收集时间超过12小时发生难以预测的变异会太大,以采用较短的收集时间为好。
The vagaries of the commodity market are always going to hamper the Fairtrade label. 大宗商品市场的反复无常对公平贸易标签总是一种牵制。
If seasonal vagaries are taken into account, the figures show no significant decline. 如果将季节考虑在内的话,这些数字没有显示显著的下降。
Those with commodities to sell suffer from the vagaries of global prices. 而那些需要出售日用品遭受反复无常的全球价格的困扰。
He has a magical skill, and the vagaries of the20 faces, people call him "K-20". 他有着魔法般的身手和变化莫测的二十张面孔,人们叫他“K-20”。
Fortunes depend on the vagaries of the volatile New Zealand dollar, although applications for 2008 have risen. 这两个行业的运气都取决于波动较大的新西兰元汇率的表现,不过,2008年的入学申请人数已有所增加。
Its climate is subjected to the vagaries of both tropical and extratropical weather systems. 盛行之地,气候受到变化多端的热带及温带系统支配。
The situation reminds us that even the most advanced agricultural systems are subject to the vagaries of the weather, leading to volatility in supplies and prices not just on domestic markets but also internationally. 当前形势提醒我们,即使是最发达的农业体系也无法摆脱天气无常的影响,这不仅会导致国内市场供给和价格波动,还会波及国际市场。
The goal of the new global plant banking system is to protect the precious stored plant genes from the vagaries of climate, politics and human error. 这个新的全球植物库系统的目标是保护储藏起来的珍贵植物基因免遭气候变化、政治动荡和人为过错的损害。
The price of doing nothing again would be to condemn Russia to the vagaries of the oil market. 再次无所作为的代价将会招致俄罗斯石油市场的反复无常。
With only two possible values, 1 and0, noise and other vagaries of the electronic world are unlikely to alter a signal. 由于只有两种可能的值:1和0,噪声及电子世界的其他异常行为不可能改变信号。
The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent. 可以在一定程度上避免变化莫测的恶劣气候影响。