Since decade of 90, the green trade vallum had spring up all over the world, especially in developed countries. 进入90年代以来,绿色贸易壁垒在全球尤其是在发达国家兴起。
Taking Haier's investment on industry park in South Carolina State for an example, enterprise's international investment aims at developing international market, avoiding tax vallum, making use of local producing elements. 以海尔南卡州工业园投资建设为例,企业国际直接投资是为了开拓国际市场、规避非关税壁垒、利用当地生产要素。
Then the history of the American airline industry: monopoly reduce the vallum of entering the market excess competition the trend of increase monopoly. 继而以美国民航业为例,分析了美国民航自产生以来经历的垄断进入市场壁垒放松(过度)竞争通过兼并、并购等手段再次出现垄断加强的趋势。
And it finds the root of that, like rigid ideology, bad district protectionism, dissevered tourism market, and trade vallum, etc. 然后,深入探究了障碍存在的根源:思想根源、地方保护主义严重、旅游市场的人为割裂、地区割据与行业壁垒等。