Clinical applications of variform free flaps of the scapular region for cervical burn contracture 不同形状肩胛区游离皮瓣修复颈部瘢痕挛缩的临床应用
These patients have variform somatic symptoms involved many organs and systems, most patients complained about fatigue, chest discomfort, chronic pain and symptoms of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system. 躯体症状表现多样,累及多个器官和系统,以疲乏、胸闷、慢性疼痛、胃肠、心血管症状为主。
The primary ossification centers of the vertebral body could found clearly with a variform. 椎体中心的初级骨化中心,影像清楚,外形各异。
The contours of objects are some variform curves which are closed, principal curves can realistically depict the shapes. 目标物的轮廓是一些形态多样闭合曲线,主曲线具有能真实地反映数据的形态的特性。
However, the complex social change and the difference of each country decide the variform ownership pattern of socialism. 由于社会变迁的极端复杂性和不同国家间存在的巨大差异,决定了社会主义社会所有制模式的多样化。
Because of the conditioned dependence, the visibility analysis becomes complicated and variform. 正是这种条件依赖性,使得可视性分析问题具有一定的复杂性和多样性。
This system is established based on an accurate and efficient algorithm, and provides an easy-operated and variform transportation information release platform for people and traffic management. 本系统以准确高效的算法为基础,为交管部门以及普通民众打造了操作便捷方式多样的交通信息发布平台。