(封建社会的)封臣 In feudal society, a vassal was a man who gave military service to a lord, in return for which he was protected by the lord and received land to live on.
N-COUNT 附属国 If you say that one country is a vassal of another, you mean that it is controlled by it.
Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany. 协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。
The affair also confirms the increasingly poisonous nature of Russia's dealings with many of its former vassals [ 8]. Energy feuds are both a cause and a symptom of this trend. 这一事件也证明,俄罗斯与前苏联各“诸侯国”之间交易的本质越来越恶劣,表现为能源纷争不断,而后者又让这种恶劣本质变本加厉。
One part of the feudal contract bound vassals to give military aid to their superior lords in return for guaranteed protection. 封建契约的一个方面是责令各诸侯为其大君主提供军事援助,从而确保君主对他们的保护。
The social system that developed in Europe in the 8th C; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war. 18世纪在欧洲发展的社会制度;诸侯受统治者的保护并为其服兵役。
As the country descended into internecine war, daimyo tended to hold small but consolidated domains in which all the land belonged to themselves or their vassals. 整个国家陷入内战状态之后,大名往往拥有小而巩固的领地,领地内所有土地都属于他们自己或他们的家臣。
Without a strong national economy to back them up they will be become the vassals of Chinese. 没有一个强劲的国家经济支撑着他们,他们会变成中国人的臣子。
Barometer: If a duke spends few points, his people and vassals will dislike him. 舆论标记:如果一个公爵只花很少的声望值,那么他的人民和下属会讨厌他。
Light troops armed with an axe and little armour, often maintained by vassals as part of their feudal service. 法兰克斧兵装备战斧和简陋盔甲,属于轻装步兵,通常为封邑贵族雇佣作战。
Small, but it would lead her to a larger stream, and that stream would flow into some little river, and all the rivers in this part of the world were vassals of the Skahazadhan. 虽然细小,但是会把她带到稍微大一点的溪流,然后随后流入某条河流,而在世界这边所有的河流都是斯卡扎单河的分支。
Frankish Axemen are usually drawn from pilgrims turned soldiers or from the poorer professional soldiers and hired by vassals unable to hire more expensive troops. 法兰克斧兵通常来自朝圣信徒或贫困职业士兵,雇佣费用极为低廉,因此成为财力不佳贵族们履行国家义务的首选。
These accommodate overlord of scholar are vassals of Han Army in the north of China at that time, they got the Mongolian ruler to trust by assisting the work praised when invading in the North China of mongolia, become one of the defensibly local military strength. 这些收容士人的霸主,为当时华北雄据一方的汉军世侯,他们于蒙古南侵时以襄赞之功,获得蒙古统治者信赖,成为镇戍地方的军事力量之一。
In theory, the Tokugawa are vassals of the Imagawa clan to the east in the provinces of Suruga and Totomi. 织田军队的已经入侵三河。从理论上讲,德川都是在今川氏作家臣和驻守骏河东部的省份。
Everywhere we find kings seeking to extend their dominion over both neighboring territories and their own vassals. 国王们到处扩张自己的势力,激励加强对邻国和属下封臣们的控制。
Another Polish victory in 1466 forced the knights to cede lands to Poland and become vassals of the Polish king. 1466年条顿骑士团再次被波兰人打败,并被迫向波兰割让土地,成为波兰国王的附庸。
Chapter 2: primarily dissertates establishment, number, location, function frequency of use, destruction about the mansions of the princes, the vassals, the counties in Loyang during the Eastern Han Dynasty. 第二章:主要论述东汉洛阳的诸侯王邸、列侯邸、郡邸的设立、数量、位置、主要作用、使用频率、最后的毁坏情况。
On the Transformation of Thinking on the Part of Scholar Vassals in the Early Han Dynasty and the Initial Shaping of the Spirit of Rhapsodists 汉初藩府士人的精神转型与赋家之心的初步形成
Lung surgery, especially pneumonectomy and resection of pericardium or interruption and/ or ligation of pulmonary vassals in pericardium could cause high incidence of arrhythmia. 肺手术,特别是全肺切除和切除心包、心包内阻断和/或结扎肺血管患者术后心律失常发生率明显增高。
Compared with DSA, CTA was more clearly and accurate in showing tumor bodies and tumor neck together with the relations between artery with tumors and neighboring vassals and skulls. CTA对显示瘤体、瘤颈、载瘤动脉与周围血管关系与DSA相比更清晰、确切,并能显示病灶与颅骨结构间的关系,立体感强。
In the first chapter, the crimes committed by royal vassals are categorized into three types: political crime, ethical crimes, criminal offence, which including nearly all the illegal behaviors conducted by the royal clans. 第一章主要对汉代宗室王侯的犯罪进行归纳分类,按照罪行的不同性质,划分为政治犯罪、伦理犯罪、刑事犯罪三大类,这三类罪行几乎囊括了所有汉代宗室王侯的违法行为。
According to the taxation contract, kings owned the right of collecting the general tax based upon the subinfeudation while vassals also had the responsibility to hand in above tax. 根据税收契约,国王基于分封土地而获得取得一般财政收入的权利,而封臣也有义务提供上述税收。
Universities in China today are commonly characterized as public institutions. This characterization left universities becomes vassals of the government. 对大学权利保护的核心是确立大学的公法人地位,我国目前大学的法律地位一般被认定为事业单位,这种地位使得大学成为政府的附庸。
The spirit of feudal system formed after the Conquest was the contract relationship between the seigneurs and vassals, of which the taxation relationship between them was the important part. 诺曼征服后所确立的封建制度的实质即是在封君和封臣之间建立起一种契约关系,而双方的税收征纳关系则是该契约的重要内容。
The Patriarchal-Vassal System is a political system which existed between China and its vassals and was characterized by tributary. 宗藩体制是存在于中国与其周边大多数国家之间的一种以朝贡为主要特征的政治体制。
When the state, vassals, high officials had conflict of interest, they would possess the different Fealty Concept due to their knowledge, concepts, background. 当社稷,诸侯,卿大夫发生矛盾时,他们的忠观念也因各人的学识、观念、背景不同而存有差异。