The Three-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis on the Last Two Strides of Run-up and Techniques of Take-off on Some Elite University Man Pole Vaulters in China 我国普通高校部分优秀男子撑竿跳高运动员最后两步助跑及起跳技术的三维运动学分析
This study presents the analysis of the best performances of the top three female pole vaulters in China. 研究目的:对三名最优秀女子撑竿跳运动员进行动作分析,讨论其技术的合理性及特点。
The study, using the cinematographic method, analysed the movements of twelve Chinese top vaulters in the phase of force action. Major factors that affect the H_2 and H_3 were revealed. 采用摄影测量的方法,对我国12名撑竿跳高优秀运动员在力量作用时期技术动作的完成情况进行了分析,提出了影响H2和H3的一些技术要素。
This showed that the top vaulters of China had some defects in utilizing the elasticity of the pole and in exercising control over their bodies. 在拉引推竿阶段中后期运动员身体普遍明显前伸,进而揭示出我国优秀运动员在利用撑竿的弹性和控制身体的能力等方面所存在的缺陷。
Psychological Training of Pole-vaulters 撑竿跳高运动员的心理训练