In every case, they found a direct correlation between "digit ratio" and vengefulness: the less of a difference between the two fingers, the greater the urge to get even. 他们发现,“手指比例”与报复心之间存在直接关系,无一例外:上述两只手指长度差别越小,报复心越强。
The goddess of mercy is unique among the heavenly hierarchy in that she is so utterly free from pride or vengefulness that she remains reluctant to punish even those to whom a severe lesson might be appropriate. 怜悯女神在天堂层次之中是唯一的,在天堂层次她完全从我慢和嗔心中解脱出来,她保持不愿意去惩罚正当的那些人,对她来说严厉的课程是合适的。