Note that the class is verbalized as refinery. 请注意,该类描述为refinery。
Of course, Ashton Kutcher who stars in Jobs and helped to produce the film has verbalized his own take on the criticism. 当然,扮演乔布斯并协助制作电影的阿什顿库彻表示自己接受批评。
In the movie, Samantha constantly verbalized her feelings and formed her own opinions. 在电影中,软件萨曼莎不断用语言描述感受,形成观点。
In laboratory wild eggplants are treated by using GA3 and BA solution indifferent concentration and verbalized with a constant temperature of 30 ℃. 在实验室条件下,对野生茄子种子分别用NAA、GA3和BA的不同浓度处理,在30℃恒温条件催芽。
The maxims put forward by Grice, Leech and others in the West, are in general based on verbalized interactions or verbalized meanings in the Western cultures. 由Grice、Leech等一些西方的学者提出的原则大体上是以西方的言辞表达的交往或言辞表达的意义为基础的。
The process of noun being verbalized can be taken as the process of conceptual blending. The meaning of the noun that has been verbalized depends on the relative scope of the noun, namely the input 2 in conceptual blending theory. 名词动词化过程可看做是概念整合的过程,转变为动词后的名词其含义与名词所涵盖的范围有关,即概念整合理论中的输入空间2。
Concluded from the data collected from the corpora, nouns in modern English are easier to be verbalized, while it is not so easy to have noun verbalization in modern Chinese. 从语料中可以看出,现代英语中的名词更容易发生动词化,而现代汉语中的名词不易直接转化为动词。