For the low key, secular occasion, the Pope wore a long white overcoat in marked contrast to the more elaborate vestments he has worn throughout the rest of his six-day visit to the United States. 为这个低调的世俗场合,教皇穿了一件白色长大衣,这与他在美国的六天访问中始终穿着比较精美的正式服饰形成鲜明对比。
Tens of thousands of worshippers packed the stadium on a crystal clear day as Pope Benedict, dressed in scarlet vestments, arrived in the white popemobile. 在这个万里无云的晴朗日子,身著红色长袍的教皇本笃乘坐教皇专车,抵达挤满成千上万名信徒的体育场。
Wearing green, eating green food and even drinking green beer, is said to commemorate St Patrick's use of the shamrock-although blue was the original colour of his vestments. 据说身穿绿色服装,吃绿色食物,甚至喝绿色啤酒是为了纪念圣帕特里克使用三叶草,尽管他的法衣最初是蓝色。
Where I keep the church records, my vestments and such. 我保存教堂档案和衣服的地方。
The archdeacon's servant had already preceded them thither with the vestments. Last year, he led talks with GM about forging an alliance. 执事长的仆人已经带着法衣在他们之前上那儿去了。
And he made, of violet and purple, scarlet and fine linen, the vestments for Aaron to wear when he ministered in the holy places, as the Lord commanded Moses. 以后用紫色、红色、朱红色的毛线,做了圣所内行礼穿的祭服,也做了为亚郎穿的圣衣,全照上主向梅瑟所吩咐的。
Though nearly as dense as the material in lead-based shielding vestments, Demron readily bends, creases and folds. 底米龙的密度虽与铅制防护衣几乎不相上下,却可轻易曲、弄皱与摺叠。
He didn't even remember to pick up his vestments from the cleaners. 他甚至忘记了去洗衣店取走他的外衣。
A room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held. 教堂中召开堂务会议和盛放法器的地方。
The procession, glittering with the settings of the ikons and the vestments of the clergy, comes slowly down the road and turns towards the Jordan. 这个宗教行列夹杂着圣像和教士的法衣,五光十色,缓缓地沿着大路走下坡来,往约旦走去。
Dressed or clothed, especially in ecclesiastical vestments. 关于衣服的(尤指外衣)。
Aaron shall return into the tabernacle of the testimony, and putting off the vestments, which he had on him before when he entered into the sanctuary, and leaving them there. 然后亚郎进入会幕,脱下他进入圣所时穿的亚麻衣服,放在那里。
This dissertation tries to remove the much dense fog through historical reorganization, goes deep into the historical depth to research, gets rid off the myth vestments, and returns to its essence. 本文试图通过历史的梳理,拨开笼罩在主权之上的团团迷雾,深入到主权的历史纵深处进行研究,褪去主权的各种神话外衣,回复到它的本真。
Many demonstration researches indicate that NGOs mainly have three great capital sources: in-vestments of government, the membership dues and the service charge, social donations. 若干的实证研究表明,NGO主要有三大资金来源:一是政府的投入,二是会费及服务收费,三是社会捐赠。