That's not the case. Actually, India getting the UNSC permanent seat mainly depends upon whether China supports it, or vetoes it. 这并不稀奇,印度之所以想在联合国安理会上获得常任理事国主要还得依靠中国是否支持它。
Russia and China used their vetoes to block the resolution. 投票结果是13票支持,2票反对,俄罗斯和中国动用其否决权、阻止该项决议案获得通过。
A: The President vetoes a bill. 答:总统可以否决国会通过的法案。
Less laudably, but understandably, they are frustrated with the United Nations and impatient at Russian and Chinese vetoes blocking Security Council action. 不太值得称赞但可以理解的是,他们对联合国感到失望,对俄罗斯和中国阻止安理会行动的否决票感到不耐烦。
The advantage of the British system with its fewer opportunities to cast vetoes is clear when it comes to passing budgets. 在英国体制中,能用上“否决票”的机会不多,这个优势在预算这件事情上十分明显。
What is more, Russia and China are big powers with vetoes at the UN. 更重要的是,俄罗斯和中国都是在联合国(UN)拥有否决权的大国。
Increasing the number of permanent members ( and thus vetoes) would risk paralysis. 增加常任席位数量(从而增加否决权数量)会有造成瘫痪的风险。