If so, I deserve the sorrows and vexations which my disagreeable nature brings down upon me. 那我之种种不惬于人意而得来烦恼和伤心,也是应该的。
Vexations such, heigho! have I, that ask not. 别问我,我是多么地烦恼和无助。
Simply deal with matters with wisdom and treat people with compassion, without worrying about personal gain or loss. Then we'll never be plagued by vexations. 面对许多的情况,只管用智能处理事,以慈悲对待人,而不担心自己的利害得失,就不会有烦恼了。
At that moment, I simply forgot all vexations and enjoyed the picturesque scenery in front of me. 此时此刻,我亦忘却一切烦嚣,好好享受眼前这一幅美丽的图画。
The deeper our compassion, the greater our wisdom and the fewer our vexations. 月慈悲心愈重,智慧愈高,烦恼也就愈小。
Just go with our'ordinary heart ', and vexations will dimish. 唯有以平常心过生活,烦恼才会少。
People have vexations because they not capable of being content. 人之所以有烦恼,原因在于无法知足。
To dissolve vexations within the heart is wisdom; to share interests with others is compassion. 烦恼消归自心就有智慧,利益分享他人便是慈悲。
Is not this most vexations, Knightley? 这岂不是太让人恼火了吗,奈特利?
Furthermore, the sources of vexations for students of touch specialties vary greatly from that for other students. 另外,艰苦专业大学生与其他专业大学生心理烦恼的来源有很大区别。