Netflix ( NFlx) today declared war on DVDs, pledging to relegate them to the same dustbin that is occupied by VHS and Betamax tapes. Netflix今天宣布对DVD开战,誓将DVD如同VHS录像带和Betamax录像带一样扫进垃圾箱。
As well as the family photos he also found Gaddafi photographed with world leaders, loose VHS tapes, certificates, awards and paintings. 除了家庭相册,希克斯还发现了卡扎菲与各国领导人的合影、零散的家庭录像带、各种证书、奖章和一些油画。
The VHS format won the competition. 最终VHS制式赢取了这场竞赛。
More recently, the VHS, or video home system, format has been disappearing as people choose DVD players. 而更近段时间,VHS(家庭视频系统)格式也随着人们选择dvd播放器逐渐消失。
But it turned out that consumers wanted video machines to watch rented movies, and the lower priced VHS won out. 但事实是,消费者想用录像机来观看租来的电影,结果定价更低的vhs赢得了胜利。
The paper uses encrypt and position double secret key and adopts the mothod of non-plane, imbedding and relevance recovering based on the character of VHS, etc in the algorithm. 引入了加密、位置双重密钥;采用了非位平面及基于VHS特性的嵌入和相关恢复等方法。
· To prevent accidental erasure of recorded material, the VHS cassette has a removable tab on the rear side. 为防止意外抹去录下的资料,VHS盒式录像带在背面设有一个可拆除的小护片。
There are many details that I cannot discuss, but all I can say is that TVs are going to be this generation's VHS. 有许多细节我不能在此讨论,所以一句话,今后的电视将成为目前的VHS家用录像。
Sorry I broke your VHS player. 不好意思弄坏了你的录像机。
VHS triumphed over Betamax after securing enough studio backing. 在获得足够多电影公司的支持后,VHS格式最终战胜了Betamax。
The industry owes its creation to the much-hated late fees charged by what are still called video stores years after they replaced VHS cassettes with their less bulky digital successors. 在线DVD出租行业的产生,要归功于音像店收取的十分令人讨厌的逾期罚款。数年前,这些商家就用体积小很多的数字产品取代了VHS录像带,但仍被称为音像店。
It's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort, as there have already been multiple special editions, revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS. 对卢卡斯电影来说,进行各方面的努力是一件好事情,比如说他们已经有了多样化的出版版本,修订版的视频版本和家庭影院及DVD版。
The consumer electronics industry has yet to agree on a single 3D standard, posing the risk of a format war akin to that between VHS and Betamax or the Blu-ray and HD-DVD standards. 消费电子产业尚未就统一的3d技术标准达成共识,因此,今后可能出现类似vhs与betamax的录像机标准、或蓝光与hd-dvd标准那样的格式之争。
In the late'70s, JVC's30-pound HR-3300 VHS player rolled out onto load-bearing retail shelves with a price tag of about$ 1400 ($ 4,124 in2009 dollars). 70年代晚期,JVC上市的30磅重HR3300VHS录像机的价格是1400美元左右(相当今日的4124美元)。
Strategic alignments with producers of pre-recorded tapes reinforced the VHS advantage. 和录像带生产商的战略结盟增强了VHS的这种优势。
VHS video cassette tape GB/T14306-1993VHS盒式录像磁带
But I must point out that the Jesuit Footage was probably a copy of a copy recorded on a VHS tape, and the shots and the length are different, as are the amount of visible details. 但必须指出,这些视频都来自耶稣会影片只是时间长度不同。都取了最能看见细节的那一部分。
Private collectors have obtained the concert on VHS in high quality but have never released full concert footage; 少数歌迷私下收藏着该演唱会的高清录像带,可没有完整的将之公布于众。
I rented this on VHS just to see that one scene it was so hyped that year. 我租下这个在VHS只是为了看看那个场景很狂热。
Through experiment investigation, this paper proposed future work for improving pattern recognition system based on VHS. 通过实验研究,提出了对体全息图像库模式识别系统进行进一步研究和改进的方向。
Technical situation in S-VHS and ED-β VTR SVHS和EDβ录象机的技术概况
This paper provides a mathematical method used to analyse designedparameters, transfer coordinates, and describes how errors be transmited is VHS VTR ( video tape recorder) helical scanning tape transmit system. 提出了一种分析磁带录像机(VTR)螺旋扫描走带系统设计参数、坐标计算及描述误差传递的数学方法。
This paper makes a systemic research of the SN ratio of the magnetic recording system of VHS mode. 本文将对VHS型录像机磁记录系统的信噪比做一次系统的研究。
VHS VCR with leading Signal and Address Code System 有引导信号和地址搜索系统的VHS录象机
Parameters of CCD and SLM effect on the VHS. 对CCD和SLM的参数给系统带来的影响作了定量分析。
Based on VHS and β-format, using highband technique, Super-High-Band Video Home System ( S-VHS) and Extended Definition Betaformat ( ED-β) have been developed. 以VHS和β型机为基础,采用高带技术,开发出了超高带家用录象系统(S-VHS)和扩展清晰度β型机(ED-β)。
VHS VCR with index and address search system 具有索引和地址搜索系统的VHS录像机
This paper analyzes VHS's characteristics, and researches the file system based on the VHS. 分析了体全息存储的有关特点,对支持体全息存储的文件系统进行了研究和设计。