Vicars are buying karaoke-like machines to play music during their services to solve the difficulty of finding an organist. 为解决琴手难招这一问题,英国牧师开始购买卡拉OK等设备,用来在礼拜仪式上演奏。
The hymnal is controlled from a small screen in the pulpit or lectern and vicars can pre-programme their playlist to match their services. 这本电子诗集是由讲坛或诵经台上布置的一个小屏幕控制,牧师可以事先编排好适合在仪式上播放的歌曲的列表。
Their church weddings are legally invalid because the vicars who married them used the wrong form of words, CofE lawyers admitted. 英国国教会律师承认说,在他们的教堂中举行的婚礼在法律上是无效的,因为主持婚礼的牧师念的结婚公告词有误。
16 vicars spent the weekend testing out their nerve on a host of scary rides at Alton Towers and Thorpe Park as they auditioned to conduct a special'Extreme Easter'service at the parks next Sunday. 上周末,16名牧师在英国奥尔顿塔公园和索普公园的各项惊险娱乐活动中试胆彩排,为下周末即将举行的“极致复活节”做准备。
The vicars and lords and widows whose cordial yet machinating lives Trollope recounted seemed reasonably settled, yet being people they managed to muck things up. 在特罗洛普笔下,那些牧师、贵族以及贵妇遗孀们貌似亲热却又各自算计的生活,都显得合情合理,然而,只要是人,总会有把事情搞砸的时候。
The changes would have allowed vicars to carry out certain church duties in jeans and T-shirts. 如果建议被接受,这些变革就会允许教区神父穿着牛仔裤和T恤主持教堂的某些仪式。