Our technical revolution is blazing its way forward through all the difficulties and advancing victoriously. 我们的技术革命正在披荆斩棘,胜利前进。
When England won, the English archers victoriously held up two fingers at the defeated French. 当英国胜利时,英国弓箭手骄傲的在被打败的法国人面前竖起两个手指头。
The Party Congress closed victoriously on August 18. 党的代表大会在8月18日胜利结束。
In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let his right hand display awesome deeds. 为真理,谦卑,公义,赫然坐车前往,无不得胜。但有一位&他的右手必显明可畏的事。
After many such battles have been victoriously fought, the general situation between us and the enemy will change. 在打了许多这样的胜仗之后,总的敌我形势便将引起变化。
He did that on the cross of Calvary and rose victoriously to show that it was all accomplished. 他在十字架上这样做了并光荣的升天了,这一切显示一切都完成了。
So now, after two rambling years comes the final and the greatest adventure, the climactic battle to kill the false being within, and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution. 他以路为家。过了两年流浪生活之后,他现在迎来了最后的也是最棒的冒险,高潮性的一战:消除内在的虚伪,在心灵革命中吹响胜利的号角。
Ignace victoriously ascended the stairs and knocked on Kessler's door. 伊格内斯踌躇满志地登上楼梯,敲响了凯斯勒的房门。
Along with our country economy of the high speed develop, city house demolishing and relocation develop in each city to launch magnificent and victoriously, while the dissension about city house demolishing and relocation become more familiar. 伴随着我国城市经济建设的飞速发展,城市房屋拆迁也在各地轰轰烈烈的开展起来,然而,各地城市房屋拆迁过程中产生的问题也是愈来愈多。