n. (清晰展示人物特征、局势等的)短文,简介,花絮; (表演)片段,小品; (尤指书名页上的)小花饰,小插图 vignette的复数
N-COUNT (清晰介绍事物特征的)短文,简介,花絮 A vignette is a short description, picture, or piece of acting which expresses very clearly and neatly the typical characteristics of the thing that it represents.
The book is an excellent vignette of some of the major debates in science. 这本书清晰而扼要地介绍了科学界的一些主要争议。
It's a loss of old habits, comforting old grudges and familiar vignettes. 使你丧失旧有的习惯、舒适的过节、熟悉的插曲。
A lack of narrative drive leaves the reader with piecemeal vignettes. 述缺乏吸引力,读者读到的只是一些支离破碎的片段。
The game is divided into "episodes," each of which are sewn together by" previously on Lost "vignettes that give the game more of an interactive television-show feel. 游戏分成“集”,每集都与先前播出的电视剧紧密地联系在一起,由此与电视剧更好地进行互动。
Memories, impressions, knowledge and imagination. "Vignettes" Is a word of the dead. 片段、印象、见闻、随想,偶拾是死人的字句。
Friends paint me vignettes of the past few days. 朋友们向我描述了过去几天里的点滴见闻。
"Worlds at War" offers some fine vignettes. 《世界之战》对历史图景的描绘相当不错。
American Storm is a journey through time and American history featuring the boys dancing in a series of vignettes that cater to women's fantasies. 《美国风暴》是一档穿越时间穿越美国历史的节目,节目中小伙子们穿着一系列的装束,迎合了女看客们的幻想。
Interior views and vignettes show Saladino at his celebrated best, creating old-world character and patina but able to snap a room into the present with deft touches. 室内观点和蔓藤花样显示出了萨拉迪诺最好的庆祝,创造出古代世界的性质和神态但是又能够在一个房间里突然轻松的触及到现代气息。
During the workshop, you will hear lectures, see vignettes on DVD or video, and receive printed information on how to become more forthright. 培训期间,你会听讲座,看DVD或录像的片断,拿到教你如何变得更直率的书面材料。
James Joyce's Dubliners offers some unforgettable vignettes of life in Dublin at the turn of the century. 在本世纪初,詹姆士乔伊斯都柏林人在都柏林(爱尔兰共和国首都)提供生活上的一些难以忘怀的花饰图案。
Stop to smell the roses. Literally, take a moment to stop, look around and appreciate the little vignettes of beauty no matter where you are. 请停下脚步闻一闻玫瑰花香。无论你在何处,请停下片刻,环顾四周,欣赏美丽别致的风景。
The play tells its story in a series of courtroon vignettes. 这部戏剧用法庭上发生的一系列插曲讲述整个故事。