歹徒;恶棍;流氓 A villain is someone who deliberately harms other people or breaks the law in order to get what he or she wants.
(小说、电影或戏剧中的)主要反面人物,反派主角 The villain in a novel, film, or play is the main bad character.
PHRASE 元凶;祸首;为害的人 If you say that someone is the villain of the piece, you are saying in a slightly humorous way that they are seen by some people as the cause of all the trouble in a particular situation.
If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched. 如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。
Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain. 弗兰克开始为当地一个下流的恶人跑腿做坏事。
It's one of those movies in which you're forced to root for the villain. 这是那种让人不得不为坏人叫好的电影。
If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched. 如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。
His anger rose at the sight of the villain, but he calmed himself. 一见那个恶棍,他就火冒三丈,但他还是使自己冷静了下来。
He was cast as the villain. 他饰演那个反面人物。
He is a black villain. 他是一个无可救药的恶棍。
That villain is the very first man I want to kill. 真想把这恶人给废了!
What's that villain up to now? 这个坏家伙又在搞什么名堂?
Think of a superhero movie when the villain is chasing an innocent person in a cruel, strategic way. 想象在一个超级英雄电影里面,反派人物在用各种残忍狡猾的方式追杀一个无辜善良的人。
If I do not take pity on her, I am a villain. 我要是不心疼她,我就是个恶棍。
I am the villain of the story. 我是这个故事的坏人。
Sam: you don't see it, do you? He's a villain! 山姆:你还不明白吗?他是条恶棍!
It's just that I never want you to think your mom's the villain in all this. 我只是不想让你把你妈妈当成个坏女人。
I am aware that no man is a villain in his own eyes. 我意识到没有人在他自己的眼睛中是一个恶棍。
I'm not afraid of being the villain. 我不在乎做个恶棍。
What's also refreshing is the choice of villain: It's not a Muslim terrorist. 同样令人耳目一新的是反派的选择:他将不再会是穆斯林恐怖分子。
He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view. 他是英雄还是恶棍,就在于你怎么看了。
A villain kills my father. 一个恶人杀了我的父亲。
Daphne: And he's the villain, not me. 而且是个混蛋,但我不是。
In the play the author makes the villain commit suicide. 在这部戏里,作者让歹徒自杀了。
In each story, you need a villain and a good person. 在每个故事中,你都需要一个恶人和一个好人。
Is he a hero or a villain? That depends on how you look at it. 他是英雄还是恶魔?那要取决于你如何看待他了。
They always typecast me as a villain. 他们总是铸造我为恶棍。
Here, I apologize to you, because I misunderstood a lot, so I felt I was then the villain of the heart! 在这里我向你道歉,因为我误会了很多,也让我感觉到我是那么的小人之心!
He was financially involved with a villain. 他在经济上与一个恶棍混在了一起。
It is not unusual for one person's hero to be another person's villain. 一个人心目中的英雄在另一人眼中是恶棍,这并不罕见。
Where is this villain hiding himself? 这混蛋跑哪儿去了?
The play's villain throws away the news that the house has burned down. 剧中的恶棍把房子被烧掉了的消息抛到了脑后。
Mary wrenched herself from the villain's clutches. 玛丽挣脱了恶棍的控制。
But I don't know who's a villain or who's a hero here? 但是我不知道这里谁是恶棍,谁是英雄?