The growing sales of wine to women can be traced to some clever marketing decisions in the 1960s by California's vintners. 葡萄酒针对女性销售量的增加可追溯至20世纪60年代加州葡萄酒商精明的营销决策。
I fear some vintners fail to remember that you should only ever make business decisions when you are stone-cold sober. 我担心许多酒商未能记住这一点:你应该在只有完全清醒的时候才进行业务决策。
Further north in Hawkes Bay, vintners are very happy with the region's red wines, predominately Bordeaux varieties and Syrah. 而在霍克斯湾,酒商对以分别以波尔多主流的葡萄品种和西拉酿制的红葡萄酒的出品也相当满意。
Western vintners are happy to take the new Chinese money, though some grumble that wealthy mainlanders have been known to commit the ultimate faux pas of smoking cigarettes or chewing gum at wine tasting events. 西方葡萄酒商很高兴赚中国人的钱,尽管一些人抱怨称,众所周知,富裕的内地人会犯下社交大忌,在品酒会上抽烟或嚼口香糖。
In Marlborough, vintners are happy with how the Sauvignon Blanc is turning out. 在万宝龙产区,葡萄酒商对白苏维翁今年的表现很满意。
International Vintners have been driven to try growing grapes in more exotic locales, including China, India and Mongolia. 跨国酒业集团纷纷在中国、印度和蒙古等异国他乡种植葡萄。
In an effort to reduce their inventories, Italian vintners have cut prices; their wines are priced to sell, and they do. 为了减少存量,商家降价;商家出的酒被降价促销,而酒的确畅销了。
But the London International Vintners Exchange says the self-governing Chinese territory would have to abolish a 40 per cent wine duty to make its plan happen. 不过,这家位于伦敦的高级葡萄酒电子交易所表示,只有香港特别行政区取消40%的葡萄酒税,它的计划才能够实现。
Brazil is shielding its car industry from Mexican competition and its vintners want protection from Chilean imports. 巴西正在保护其汽车工业不受来自墨西哥的竞争,巴西酒商则希望得到保护,免受进口智利酒的竞争。