Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment 赫尔姆先生打算声明该法案违反了宪法第一修正案。
The peace plan as it stands violates basic human rights. 该和平计划本身违反了基本人权。
That person who violates the law and discriminates should suffer in his career. 非法歧视他人的人在事业上应该受到惩戒。
Whoever violates the school regulations will be given a demerit. 违反校规者将给予记过处分。
The country violates the international agreements. 那个国家违背了国际协议。
Tobacco companies say the legislation violates the Australian constitution. 烟草公司称,这项立法违反了澳大利亚宪法。
That violates the laws and regulations of the State; 违反我国法律、法规的;
This is undesirable because it violates a fundamental rule of object orientation: Objects have behavior and data. 但是,这种方式并不合适,因为这违反了面向对象的基本规则:对象拥有行为和数据。
Notice that the lack of a no-argument constructor violates the JavaBeans standard, which insists on a default constructor. 需要注意的一点是,无参数构造函数的缺失违反了JavaBeans的标准,该标准坚持要有一个默认的构造函数。
The auction seriously violates the country's cultural rights and interests, and hurts national sentiment, it said. 这次拍卖严重侵犯了国家的文化权益,并伤害了民族感情。
This construction violates previous agreements and undermines efforts to achieve peace. 这个建筑违背了之前的约定,破坏了追求和平的努力。
Critics also argue that the show violates Chinese wildlife protection laws. 批评者还说,这档节目违反了中国野生动物保护的相关法规。
But this violates the "pay yourself first" rule. 可是这样就违背了“首先支付自己”的原则。
In our country criminal law the status violates stipulation everywhere, passes through in the entire criminal law article. 我国刑法中身份犯的规定比比皆是,贯穿整个刑法条文之中。
He said the act violates Palestinian interests. 发言人说,绑架行为违反了巴勒斯坦人的利益。
So Serbia can claim that independence for Kosovo violates its territorial integrity. 所以,塞尔维亚声称科索沃的独立危害了他们的领土完整。
An "invasion of privacy" is when someone violates your right to keep your personal information secret. 是指某人侵犯了你维护个人隐私的权利。
He will get a punishment, because he violates the school discipline too many times. harsh他将受到严厉的惩罚,因为他违反学校纪律的次数太多了。
Unequal application of lethal injection violates the principle of equality in law, and has aroused many doubts. 注射死刑不平等适用违反了法律面前人人平等原则,引起社会的诸多质疑。
Venezuela also condemned the military aggression against Libya, saying it violates the country's sovereignty and self-determination. 委内瑞拉也谴责对利比亚的军事进攻,称其违反了国家主权及独立性。
By a rejection a priori of such hypotheses, the utopian approach violates the principles of scientific method. 乌托邦的方法先验地拒绝这些假说,违背了科学方法的原则。
A tying arrangement violates antitrust laws. 搭配销售安排违反了反垄断法律。
This trading may not violate the Volcker rule but it violates the Dimon principle. 它可能没有违反沃克尔规则,但它违反了‘戴蒙原则’。
The attempted action violates the directory service schema rules. 试图进行的操作违反了目录服务架构规则。
No! Here, the design violates the LSP. 不能,这个设计就违反了LSP。
I invented a breakthrough new source of energy which violates the law of conservation of energy. 我发明了一种突破性的新的能源来源,违反了能量守恒定律。
Thus, the practice sounds to respect the rights of women but actually violates people's freedom. 因此,这一行为听起来是尊重妇女的权利,但实际上是侵犯了人类的自由。
Oracle is separately claiming that Android violates a number of its Java patents and copyrights. Oracle声称Android违背了大量的Java专利与版权。