Evolution acts on the distribution of these receptors to generate social or non-social versions of a vole. 生物进化作用于以上受体在大脑的分布,而产生了社会性或非社会性不同版本的田鼠。
The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Vole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust. 其原因是他决定以北极星的方向来确定地图的方向,因为北极星是固定不动的航灯,那时的航海者依赖它进行航行。
It turns out that the faithful prairie vole has receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin in brain regions associated with reward and reinforcement, whereas the montane vole does not. 这就证实了,在忠诚的草原田鼠大脑内,与奖赏与强化相关联的区域中,具有一种催产素和抗利尿激素的荷尔蒙受体,然而山区田鼠却没有。
The prairie vole is a sociable creature, one of the only 3% of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships. 草原田鼠作为一种社会性生物,它是仅存3%的一夫一妻制哺乳动物中的一类。
In other words, researchers can make prairie voles fall in love or whatever the vole equivalent of this is with an injection. 换句话说,不过就一剂注射,研究者们便能让草原田鼠落入情网,不管草原田鼠的感觉如何,反正它们会产生与爱相类似的神经反应。
But, in contrast to the prairie vole, at no time do rats learn to associate sex with a particular female. 但与草原田鼠相反,家鼠决不会学习把性与某个特定的雌性个体关联起来。
The black-bellied vole shuttles in and out of its underground burrow, ever alert to dangers outside. 黑腹绒鼠在地洞里进出穿梭,总是对外面的危险十分警觉。
The details of what is going on-the vole story, as it were-is a fascinating one. 像往常一样,最让人着魔的是田鼠爱情故事的进展细节。
Further experiments showed that dopamine restructured a part of the vole's brain called the nucleus accumbens, a region that many animals have, including humans. 进一步的试验表明多巴胺改变了田鼠大脑中被称为伏隔核的区域,包括人类在内的许多动物都有这个区域。
The results showed that there was no significant difference in odor preference and individual preference, no matter the female vole was on estrous or not. 利用监控录像以及特定行为记录的方法,研究了雄性等级对布氏田鼠气味选择和个体选择的影响。
Is their behaviour similar to that of the naked vole rat? 律师们的举止与猫鼬这种不穿衣服的田鼠相似吗?
In particular, crisp is convinced that the behaviour of naked vole rats, meerkats or even bees can shed a great deal of light on corporate life. 尤其是,克里斯普相信,猫鼬这种不穿衣服的田鼠、甚至蜜蜂的行为能给企业界提供大量的借鉴。
"Who is he?"" why, he has gone the vole? Has been soldier, ballad-singer, traveling tinker and is now a beggar." “他是谁?”“唔,他什么事情都干过?当过兵,做过民谣歌手,干过流浪补锅匠,而现在却是个乞丐。”
Effect of Different Sterility Rates on Brandt ′ s Vole Population 不同不育比例对布氏田鼠种群增长的影响
Common large Eurasian vole. 普通的大型欧亚田鼠。
She went the vole and finally settled on teaching. 她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。
Clean-cultivation reduces vole survival and reproduction. 无覆盖耕作可减少田鼠的存活和繁殖。
Nadia Vole: I'm Nadia Vole. I work for Mr. Sayle. Press and public-relations. He is the best general who makes the fewest mistakes.& Ian Hamilton 娜佳沃尔:我叫娜佳沃尔。我为塞尔先生作媒体公关工作。犯错最少的将军乃最佳将军。&汉密尔顿
Short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States. 美国东部短尾、光毛的穴居鼠。
The resulting glowing prairie voles were evidence that the embryos had indeed been altered, and that the alteration had been transmitted to every cell in the vole's body, including its sex cells. 培育出的草原小鼠能发出绿光,这便证实了其胚胎已被修饰而且这种修饰已传递到其体内的每一个细胞,包括生殖细胞。
He seems to go the vole not for any victory but for any vintage. 他孤注一掷好像不是为胜利而是为美酒。
Typical vole of the extended prairie region of central United States and southern Canada. 美国中部和加拿大南部广大的草原地区典型的确田鼠。
Even without any vole rats. 这甚至不需要我研究什么田鼠。
The details of what is go on the vole story, as it were is a fascinating one. 像往常相同,最让人着魔的是田鼠感情古代事件的进展细节。
So why can the night owl so unmistakably predatory vole? It is also necessary to talk about its special body structure. 那么,猫头鹰为什么能够在夜间这样准确无误地捕食田鼠呢?这还要从它特殊的身体结构谈起。
Effect of Tannic Acid on Food Selection, Food Intake and Protein Digestion Rate in Mandarin Vole and Mice 单宁酸对棕色田鼠和小鼠食物选择、日食量和蛋白质消化率的影响
I was just* Wondering where this went, miss vole. 我在想这条路通向哪里,伏尔小姐?
Changes after snow of the population characteristics of root vole ( microtus oeconomus) in Haibei Alpine Meadow 雪后海北高寒草甸地区根田鼠种群特征的变化北京上甸子地区气溶胶数谱观测与研究
Mandarin vole is one of the harmful rodents which lives underground in all it's life, in the dry farming area of loess plateau in Lingbao city, Henan province. 黄土高原旱作区河南省灵宝市一带,农田主要害鼠为终生营地下活动的棕色田鼠。
any of various small mouselike rodents of the family Cricetidae (especially of genus Microtus) having a stout short-tailed body and inconspicuous ears and inhabiting fields or meadows