My waders and fishing gear weighed me down. 我的高筒防水靴和钓鱼工具使我不堪重负。
Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream. 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势,于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。
The most common migrants are the waders of the sandpiper family, but they also include other birds ranging in size from herons to shrikes. 最常见的候鸟是鹬鸟家族里的涉禽,但也包括大到鹭小至伯劳的其他鸟类。
Waders and its Conservation Strategy in the Coastal Wetlands of Fujian Province 福建沿海湿地鸻鹬类资源调查
Community Structure Variation of Migratory Waders ( Charadriiformes) in the Suburban Natural Reserve with the Scenario of Heavy Impacts from Regional Development 高强度开发背景下城郊自然保护区迁徙鸻鹬类群落结构的变化
The diversity of the waders ( Charadiiformes) and the effects of oil contamination on it during the migration season in the coast of Bohai Bay 渤海湾春秋迁徙期■形目鸟类多样性及石油污染的影响
Banding on the Waders and Terns between Australia and China 中澳之间迁徙鸻鹬类和燕鸥类的环志介绍
The accumulation of heavy metals in waders and its significance of environmental monitoring 迁徙滨鹬对重金属的富集及其环境检测意义