VERB 押(赌注);打赌 If you wager on the result of a horse race, football match, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not.
Just because people wagered on the Yankees did not mean that they liked them... 人们将赌注下在扬基队上并不说明就喜欢他们。
Golfers had wagered a good deal of money on Nick Faldo winning the championship. 高尔夫球手投下重注赌尼克·法尔多夺冠。
Wager is also a noun.
There have been various wagers on certain candidates since the Bishop announced his retirement. 自从大主教宣布退职后,人们纷纷打赌猜测几位继任人选。
VERB (表示很确定)打赌,保证 If you say that you will wager that something is the case, you mean you are confident that it is the case.
She was willing to wager that he didn't own the apartment he lived in... 她愿意打赌他居住的公寓并不属于他。
I'll wager she'll still make the same impact when she's 70. 我敢打赌,她就算到了70岁,影响力也会不减当年。
HP paid big for its bets on hardware, wagering it would win out in the end. 惠普在硬件上投入重注,认为其最终将获得成功。
They profited by wagering against global financial giants and British banks, according to investors and public filings. 据投资者和公开报告称,做空跨国金融巨头和英国的银行让他们获利了。
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said in a speech on Wednesday that the conflict over Ukraine is a test for the West, and that President Putin is wagering that he has greater staying power. 周三,美国副总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(JosephR.BidenJr.)发表讲话时表示,乌克兰冲突是是对西方国家的考验,普京总统认定了他还能掌权很久。
His words have given the green light to money managers: Many are now jumping into Chinese stocks, wagering that a further expansion of China's cities will give a boost to consumer spending. 他的话可以说是给投资经理们开了绿灯:许多投资经理现在开始投身中国股市,押注中国城市的进一步扩张将会提振消费支出。
Betting and wagering of any kind are not permitted in the happy place. 快乐的地方不允许赌博和下注。
Shutting down Internet wagering altogether may be as difficult as keeping a teenager from downloading MP3s. 关闭赌博网站可能就像不让青少年从网上下载MP3一样困难。
In his trials Job didn't know that God and Satan were wagering over him. 约伯受折磨时,根本不晓得上帝与撒但在他身上“打赌”。
Yes, we have an NBA referee accused of wagering on games he worked and making calls favorable to the line he bet. 是的,我们的一位NBA裁判因为对自己所执法的比赛下注,并相应实施对此有利判罚,也同样受到指控。
What are they wagering? The only thing we have. 赌注是什么?我们唯一拥有的东西。
To eliminate the guesswork in sports wagering. 来证明比赛结果的可能性。
Gerald Roper, the chamber's president, is wagering shops like London's Harrods and shows like "Cirque du Soleil" will bet on Chicago. 商会主席GeraldRoper正在计划建设像伦敦的哈罗斯百货商店一样的赌场,以吸引像太阳马戏团一样的顾客光顾芝加哥赌场。
Wagering contracts should be distinguished from contracts to shift a risk. 合同应当区别赌局合同的风险转移。
This principle is accepted by legislation of many countries because it helps prevent gambling and wagering, avoid moral hazards and limit the amount of coverage. 各国保险立法都明确规定可保利益原则,主要是因为其具有的防止利用保险赌博、防止发生道德风险、限制保险赔偿的额度的功能。