This testing framework quality gate could capture high-level walkthroughs of the test cases searching for reuse. 这些测试框架质量检验关可以获取测试用例搜索的高层次情况,以便进行重新利用。
Particularly in the early adoption phases of SOA Governance, it is important that regular vitality checks, walkthroughs, and peer reviews ensure that information and approach flows smoothly. 尤其是在SOA治理的早期阶段,一定要经常进行生命力检查、预演和交错审查,从而确保信息和过程顺畅。
A full description with a complete and detailed component descriptions followed by component interaction walkthroughs can be found in the Resources section. 在参考资料中可以找到完整的描述、对组件的详细描述和组件交互演示。
Use the walkthroughs to become familiar with deploying non-hosted event providers and to create your own instructions and batch files for deployment. 使用该演练,可以熟悉如何部署非宿主事件提供程序,以及创建自己的部署指令和批处理文件。
The default target device used in the following walkthroughs is the emulator, so you can complete the walkthroughs without a physical device. 下面的演练中使用的默认目标设备是模拟器,因此不需要物理设备就可以完成演练。
See the above walkthroughs for the correct procedure to build the application. 有关生成应用程序的正确过程,请参见上面的演练。
The following walkthroughs demonstrate how to use components, controls, and threading. 下面的演练演示如何使用组件、控件和线程处理。
Prior to starting these walkthroughs, it is helpful to have some basic knowledge of the various distributed system designers and how they relate to each other. 在开始这些演练之前,了解各种分布式系统设计器的基础知识以及它们之间的相互关系非常有帮助。
If you plan to do additional walkthroughs or open other projects, you want to shut down the emulator completely and exit this solution. 如果您打算进行其他演练或打开其他项目,则需要完全关闭该仿真程序并退出此解决方案。
This section contains links to all walkthroughs related to scenarios that involve creating or managing a team project. 此部分包含指向如下所有演练的链接,这些演练与涉及创建或管理团队项目的方案有关。
These methods are appropriate when creating2D or3D drawings and models or for exploring representations of real-world3D environments ( architectural walkthroughs, for example). 这些方法在创建二维和三维图画、模型,或者探索真实世界三维环境(如结构走查)的表达方面非常合适。
The hacker editions& we don't offer specific walkthroughs since we assume that that crowd generally is ready to dive into the PDF alone. 黑客版&我们不会提供走查的细节,因为我们假设大家都准备好了,独立地投入到PDF中。
And allow you to view the end result of the walkthroughs without completing them yourself. 使用它们,您不用亲自完成演练就可以查看演练的最终结果。
Virtual walkthroughs technology for complex scene is a important field of VR, which is a hot point for IT industry. 面向复杂场景的虚拟漫游技术是虚拟现实(VR)研究的重要领域,也是信息产业应用的热点。
3D Terrain Following Algorithm for Avatar in WALK View Mode in Virtual Walkthroughs 虚拟漫游中替身步行浏览模式的三维地形跟踪算法的研究与实现
It is of great significance in applications such as video production, virtual simulation, and virtual walkthroughs. 该方法在视频制作、虚拟仿真、虚拟漫游等领域中具有重要的应用价值。
This article introduces the relative technology and the realizing methods about the digital city walkthroughs system based on the software VEGA. 基于vega开发平台,详细介绍了数字城市漫游系统的开发技术和具体的实现方法,着重讨论了系统漫游模式在实现过程中的技术细节。