桂竹香 A wallflower is a plant that is grown in gardens and has sweet-smelling yellow, red, orange, or purple flowers.
N-COUNT 墙花(在社交场合因害羞而没有舞伴或不与人交谈的人) If you say that someone is a wallflower, you mean that they are shy and do not get involved in dancing or talking to people at social events.
I was something of a wallflower; I was terribly shy. 我算是朵墙花,因为我特别害羞。
I was something of a wallflower; I was terribly shy. 我算是朵墙花,因为我特别害羞。
Centered around the sensitivity of a brilliant, but troubled, teen named Charlie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an honest and adult-themed story that will likely resonate with your own experiences. 故事是围绕着一个很优秀但是很敏感,而且还遇上了些麻烦的少年&查理讲述的。《壁花少年》讲述的是一个真实的成年人社会的故事,这也能引起读者的共鸣。
I felt so sorry for this wallflower at the school dance last night that I asked her to dance. 昨晚在学校的那个舞会上,我为那个坐在那里老不跳舞的女孩感到很不好受,所以我就过去请他跳舞。
Scientists at Cambridge University have used medical scanners to pinpoint brain features that identify someone as being a likeable "people person" or a wallflower. 剑桥大学的科学家们使用医用扫描仪,找出一些大脑特征,可以用来鉴别某人是一个可爱的“与人相处融洽的人”,还是不太合群不受欢迎的人。
There she is in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, all sweet and giddy, speaking with an American accent as Sam, a lost soul trying to find her footing as a high school senior. 在电影《壁花少年》中,她出演萨姆一角。这是一个甜美、轻浮的高中高年级学生形象,操着一口美式口音,浑浑噩噩,试图寻找自己的立足之处。
The Wallflower: This is a shy, submissive individual who holds the glass protectively, not letting go, as though afraid somebody will take it away. 壁花类:这类人很腼腆很顺从,他们拿酒杯的姿势具有保护意味,不会轻易松手,就像怕别人拿走一样。
The Harry Potter star, 21, was photographed smooching 24-year-old Simmons-her co-star in upcoming movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower-outside a restaurant in California earlier this week. 本周早前在加利福尼亚一家餐馆外21岁的艾玛被拍到和24岁的Simmons在街头接吻,Simmons是艾玛即将上映的新片《壁花少年》中的搭档。
For instance, I'm never going to be a wallflower, but that doesn't mean I can't take a serious look at my talking habits and alter some aspects for the better& working within my personality. 比方说,我永远当不成壁花,但这并不是说我没法认真看待自己的说话习惯,改善自己的某些部分&在自己的人格范围内进行努力。
It wasn't an outfit designed for a camera shy wallflower. 这套装扮可不是给一朵面对镜头就害羞的“壁花”女人所设计的哦。
But I never go dancing if I don't have a partner because I don't want to be a wallflower. 我也很喜欢听音乐,但是,在没有舞伴的时候,我从来不去跳舞,因为我不要当壁花小姐。
I want to invite that wallflower to dance, she hasn't have danced with someone till now! 我想邀请那个受到冷落的女子跳舞,她到现在都还没有和任何人跳过。
This insurance company is just a wallflower to me. 我对这家保险公司毫无兴趣。
Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor wallflower and ask her to dance. 迟早会有人怜悯那位可怜兮兮的腼腆姑娘,请她跳舞的。
The Wallflower represents a shy, submissive individual who holds the glass protectively. 局外人则自我保护意识强,胆小温和,一直紧握酒杯;
Step forward to dance, Mary, don't be such a wallflower. 走出来跳舞,玛丽,不要当壁花。
She'd rather leave early than be a wallflower. 她宁愿早点离去,而不愿当壁花。
42. The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support. 42.墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。
She didn't like being a wallflower so she walked up to a young man who was also sitting alone and invited him to dance. 她不喜欢做壁花,所以她走向一位独自坐着的年轻人,并邀他共舞。
Living it up! Sitting there like a teen-aged wallflower at a country hop. 坐在那儿,就像是乡村舞会上一个十几岁的墙花;
She spent the whole evening being a wallflower. 她整个晚上都当壁花。
He danced with every wallflower in the room. 他与屋子里所有没有舞伴的女子都跳了舞。
Through her experiments, your partner may discover an alternative lover who insists on a monogamous relationship. Monogamy may be a price worth paying, given that she is currently dating "an awkward wallflower of unremarkable appearance". 鉴于她目前约会的对象是“一个貌不惊人、笨手笨脚、总是站在角落的家伙”,与新情人建立一对一的关系,对她来说或许是值得的。
We all know some drop-dead beautiful person married to an unusually plain wallflower. 我们都知道一些特别美丽的人和非常平常普通的人结婚。
I was always a wallflower in high school. I never liked to dance in front of people. 高中时我总是当壁花,我从来就不喜欢在人前跳舞。
Until now the country has been a wallflower and it is about time it put on its pumps. 直到现在这个国家一直是个局外人,现在到了它发挥作用的时候了。
Harder to crack are the jack the lad, the ice queen, the wallflower and the gossip. 酷哥、冰美人、壁花与闲聊女则不容易对付;
I could n't risk being a wallflower just waiting on you two. 我哪能冒险在一边等着,等着专门伺候你们两位呀?