Both Walpole and his foes turned out to be right. 事实证明,沃波尔和他的对手都是正确的。
The world is a comedy to those that think; a tragedy to those that feel.& Horace Walpole. 对思考者而言,世界是喜剧;对感受者而言,世界是悲剧。
This discussion will inform a set of recommendations to address research needs, as well as policy and practice gaps, said Matt Walpole, head of ecosystem assessment at UNEP-WCMC. UNEP-WCMC的生态系统评估负责人MattWalpole说,这场讨论将形成一组建议,从而解决研究需求以及政策和实践的鸿沟。
In fact Walpole did not understand the speculation and was prevented from making a disastrous investment in the shares himself only by a shrewd adviser. 他压根不通投机买卖的门道,多亏有个精明的顾问,他才没做出灾难性的投资决定。
[ Sir Thomas] I More was a man of stately and handsome presence ( Horace Walpole). 〔托马斯爵士〕I莫尔是个威严、庄重、英俊的人(霍拉斯沃波尔)。
Sir Robert Walpole was the first "prime minister" of British Cabinet, who pursued peaceful foreign policy during his administration. 罗伯特·沃尔波尔是英国资产阶级内阁第一位首相,他执政期间的英国实行和平外交政策。
Walpole believed every man had his price; 沃波尔认为每个人都是待价而沽的。
Walpole encountered increasing opposition the longer his regime continued. 沃波尔的任职期越长,反对她的声音就越大。
Mr Pearce makes only passing reference to what is, for many, Walpole's outstanding monument: the magnificent Palladian house he built at Houghton in Norfolk. 对于沃波尔的帕拉底恩风格房屋,皮尔斯只是一笔带过,实际上很多人倒把这间雄伟的屋子看作沃波尔的一件丰功伟绩。
But I ain't seen him since he got out of walpole. 出狱以后就没见他。
Under the obvious influence of Walpole and other writers, Poe assimilates the conventions of Gothic horror. 在沃波尔及其他作家的明显影响下,坡吸收了哥特式小说的传统手法。