Fear and hate warred within her and tormented her. 恐惧和憎恨在她内心深处斗争着,折磨着她。
All members in the committee warred against the revised plan, except the chairman. 委员会除了主席之外,所有委员都反对修改了的计划。
For many years they warred against Nazi Germany. 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。
Sharon also appears to be close to passing in the coming year or so and this will end the struggle between two ancestries that have warred upon one another for eons of time. 沙龙看样子也将在明年左右去世,这将结束两个祖先相互战争了无数代的对抗。
The people warred against building a dance hall in the town. 人们反对在镇上建舞厅。
The two factories warred over the materials. 两个工厂为了原料而争执。
I do freely forgive those who have warred against me. 我诚心原谅那些反抗我的人。
For years they have warred against the people from the neighbouring islands. 几年来,他们一直在同来自领近岛屿的人们作战。