The Warrens in the eastern part of town is a terrible slum sick with poverty and crime. 位于城市东部的沃伦斯区是一个治安混乱的贫民窟,这里充斥着贫穷和犯罪。
She had opened a new house of her own, a large two-story building that made neighboring houses in the district look like shabby rabbit warrens. 她开了一家新妓院,那幢两层大楼使区内邻近的妓院看上去就像破旧的养兔场一样。
A small restaurant in the warrens of old delhi. 旧德里拥挤不堪的城区中的一家小饭馆。
Half a minute later he was lost in the warrens of Whitechapel. 半分钟以后他消失在怀特查佩尔大街上拥挤的人流中。
Building in the cities rise from the ground, people of different careers, different ages live in the same building, while the communication like in warrens is cut off. 伴随着一栋栋楼房拔地而起,不同职业、不同年龄、不同地区的人住在了一栋楼上,而大杂院、小胡同里邻里间颇具亲和力的交流却无形中被阻断了。