Eight Nato states, including the US, UK, Poland and Germany, are participating and have sent weaponry ranging from advanced anti-aircraft systems to A10 Warthog ground-attack planes and Abrams battle tanks. 包括美国、英国、波兰和德国在内的8个北约国家参加了这次军演,武器系统涵盖范围从高级防空系统到A10疣猪(A10Warthog)对地攻击机和艾布拉姆斯(Abrams)主战坦克。
Although fierce in appearance, the warthog would rather run from predators, like the lion or leopard, than fight. 尽管看上去很凶猛,其实对于狮子或豹子这样的食肉性动物,疣猪宁愿意选择避开而不是干上一架。
The diet of a warthog consists mainly of grasses, roots, and berries, along with the occasional carrion. 疣猪的日常伙食主要由草、树根和浆果组成,当然它也不会介意偶尔遇见的腐肉。
The Warthog billowed smoke, but its speed slowly increased to forty kilometers an hour. 疣猪烟雾滚滚,但它的时速还是慢慢提高到四十公里。
She wouldn't believe me about the warthog and the rhinoceros. 她还不信野猪和犀牛的事。
Mora's hunger lures her back to the warthog burrow. 莫拉的饥饿把它诱回到疣猪洞。
After three hours of digging, the lions finally extract the warthog. 在三个小时的挖掘后,狮子们最终挖到了疣猪。
The Warthog's top speed is just about as fast as the tanker's slowest refueling speed. “疣猪”的最高时速仅比加油机的最低加油时速快一点点。
Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway. 莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。
He escapes into the jungle where he meets timon, a wisecracking meerkat, and pumbaa, a big-hearted warthog. 他逃到了丛林地带,碰到了爱说俏皮话的猫釉丁满和慷慨大方的野猪彭彭。
I freed a Warthog who was really a shaman. 我救了一只非洲野猪,他实际上是个巫师。