The city is intersected by three main waterways. 该城市由3条主要水路贯穿。
This is a smooth, slowly rising area that has many fertile valleys and is irrigated by many waterways. 这是一个平坦的逐渐上升的地带,拥有许多富饶的山谷,并且由很多水路进行灌溉。
The iconic reef is being damaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep into waterways. 这个标志性的珊瑚礁正在受到流入海水中的来自农业生产的杀虫剂和废渣破坏。
We'll need Congress to protect more than three million jobs by finishing transportation and waterways bills this summer. 我们需要国会今年夏天完成运输和水路法案,保护超过300万的就业岗位。
The waste from thousands of confined animals can pollute waterways, and produce greenhouse gases. 这些圈养的动物产生的废物会污染水路并产生温室气体。
The world's first amphibious ice cream van is touring Britain's seaside resorts and waterways. 世界第一辆水陆两栖冰淇淋车日前在英国海滨度假胜地以及各水道开动(见上图)。
I am sailing down endless waterways like a floating boat. 像一叶漂流的小船,我在无尽的水路上航行。
Bless the land waterways or sea again allowing the love to flow back and forth between you. 再一次祝福土地、水域或海洋,允许爱在你们彼此之间来回往复流动。
Constructing water projects or regulating rivers and navigation waterways without authorization; (一)擅自修建水工程或者整治河道、航道的;
To provide with an artificial waterway or waterways. The engineers channeled the water off without difficulty. 疏导提供一条或多条人工水道工程师们毫不费力地就把水疏导走了。
As the caterpillars feed on crops, their waste pollutes waterways and drinking wells. 当毛虫啃噬庄稼时,它们的排泄物就污染了(灌溉)水道和饮用水井。
Backward inland waterways have been improved distinctively. 内河航道落后面貌得到了明显改善。
We shall adopt different regulation methods for waterways of different characteristics in waterway regulation engineering. 航道整治工程中,要把握每条水道的特性采用不同的整治方法。
Canals and rivers form the inland waterways of a country. 运河和河流构成一个国家的内陆航道。
Some operations are criticized for their treatment of fish and the risk of pollution to waterways. 一些人因为鱼的待遇和水质污染而批评运营商。
Traditional transportation methods should be improved with the modernization of railways, highways and waterways. 改造传统的运输方式,提高铁路、公路和水运的现代化水平;
Inland, coverage includes the waterways of Europe, the Middle East and Africa. 在内陆,范围包括水道的欧洲,中东和非洲。
The Rhine is one of the main waterways of Germany, and the river traffic is heavy. 莱茵河是德国主要的水路之一,它的水上交通是非常繁忙的。
A port is a place at which the transfer of cargo and passengers to and from waterways and shores occurs. 港口服务是指在在港口内的乘客和货物,从水路和海岸发生转移的过程。
Most cleaning products are extremely toxic to yourselves along with the waterways and landfills that they end up within. 大多数清洁产品,是对你自己、水脉和最终的垃圾极其有毒的。
Viking River Cruises and Avalon Waterways are some of the operators which sail the Yangtze. 航海巡线和亚洲龙水路线路由在长江航行的人提供。
He has worked with local farmers to dig waterways and plant about one million trees. 他和当地的农民一起工作,挖掘了水渠,种植了上百万棵树。
Serious soil erosion, acid rain and polluted waterways also affect the lives of millions. 严重的土壤侵蚀、酸雨和河道污染也在影响着千百万人的生活。
And companies are moving more goods by rail and by water, along coasts and inland water ways waterways. 而且公司更多地通过铁路和水路,沿海岸和内河水道运输货物。
The waterways are clogged with ice in winter. 航道冬天被冰堵上了。
Note: Total of Passenger and Freight Traffic of Highways and Waterways calculated in accordance with the caliber. 注:全社会公路水运客、货运量的增长按同口径计算。
A system of waterways designed after the Italian city of Venice has been built there. 这里建设了一套仿照了意大利的威尼斯城的水路系统。
There are also a few inland waterways. 这里也有几个内陆水路。
This is going to create shifts for the continents, oceans, and waterways. 这是即将为陆地,海洋和水道创造转移。
The infection could have crossed borders as people traveled along the Sanaga River and other waterways. 当人们在沿着萨那加河和其他的河流活动(想不出更好的词)时,传染病毒便向周遍地区蔓延开来。