WBM offers the capability to transform a business model to business process. WBM提供将业务模型转换为业务流程的功能。
Synchronize Changes: The integration developer synchronizes the changes between the current WID module, and the PI imported from WBM. 同步更改:集成开发人员在当前WID模块和从WBM导入的PI之间同步更改。
For example, if you choose the implementation type of a task as a business rule type, you can add concrete business rule requirement descriptions in WBM. 例如,如果您选择任务实现类型为业务规则类型,则可以在WBM中添加具体的业务规则需求描述。
Do this in WBM by using global processes. 可通过使用全局流程在WBM中完成此工作。
This limitation implies that to keep the WBM and WID models in sync, you need to make all changes in WBM and then regenerate the BPEL to feed WID. 这个限制表明,为了保持WBM和WID模型同步,需要在WBM中进行所有更改,然后重新生成BPEL来导入到WID中。
The transformation utility in WBM regards each Local task as a different service, and the utility generates a unique SCA component for each Local task in the SCA module. WBM中的转换实用工具会将每个局部任务视为不同的服务,该实用工具将在SCA模块为每个局部任务生成唯一的SCA组件。
This article describes best practices for modeling, assembling, and deploying business processes using WBM V6. 本文将说明有关使用WBMV6进行业务流程的建模、组装和部署的最佳实践。
The business analyst starts to make updates to the WBM model based on new requirements from the customer. 业务分析师根据新的客户需求对WBM模型进行更新。
If the changes to the BPEL do not significantly change the flow of the model in WBM, it is best to make the changes directly in WID. 如果对BPEL的更改并不会大幅度更改WBM中的模型的流,最好直接在WID中进行更改。
To transform the processes into BPEL process skeletons, model the business process in the WebSphere Process Server editing mode in WBM. 为了将流程转换为BPEL流程框架,请在WBM中使用WebSphereProcessServer编辑模式建模业务流程。
Export WID Module after changes in WBM: If the business analyst would like to make other changes to the model, then he can export the WID module and hand it over to the integration developer. 在更改WBM后导出WID模块:如果业务分析师想对模型进行其他修改,那么他可以导出WID模块并将其交给集成开发人员。
Browse to the project interchange exported from WBM, to be compared with the current version of the WID module. 浏览到从WBM导出的项目交换文件,与当前版本的WID模块相比较。
This section will illustrate the steps required for synchronizing WID module with the WBM model by exporting the change report. 本小节通过导出更改报告展示同步WID模块和WBM模型所需的步骤。
This section illustrates the scenario where the business analyst would like to make other new changes in WBM model, and merging these updates into the existing WID module. 本小节将展示这样一个场景:业务分析师想要在WBM模型中进行一些新的修改,然后将这些更新合并到现有WID模块中。
In this section, The project interchange that is exported from WBM will be imported in WID. 在这个小节中,从WBM导出的项目交换文件将被导入WID。
Analyzing Changes in WBM: The business analyst analyzes the changes and manually updates the business process model. 在WBM中分析更改:业务分析师分析更改并手动更新业务流程模型。
Note: For best results, business analysts should identify reusable business tasks, and then create those tasks as Global tasks in WBM. 注意:为了获得最好的结果,业务分析人员应该确定可重用业务任务,然后在WBM中将这些任务作为全局任务创建。
This section goes through the steps to perform the changes required on WBM model by analyzing the change report. 本小节通过分析更改报告介绍执行WBM模型上需要的更改的步骤。
If the granularity of one task is adequate ( realizing simple functions), use a map element in WBM, which can be transformed to an empty Java snippet in the generated BPEL process skeleton. 如果任务的粒度恰当(实现简单功能),则在WBM中相应地使用map元素;可以在生成的BPEL流程框架中将此元素转换为空的Java代码片段。
For major changes to a business process, the BPEL model should be re-generated from WBM and imported into WID. 对于业务流程的重要更改,应该从WBM重新生成BPEL模型并导入到WID中。
Although there is a sub-process concept in WBM, the sub-process inside the business process is transformed into a flow structure inside the parent BPEL process instead of a separate BPEL process. 尽管WBM中有子流程的概念,但业务流程中的子流程将转换为父BPEL流程中的流结构,而不是独立的BPEL流程。
Supporting process dependencies in WBM 在WBM中支持流程依赖关系
You can include all the unavailable element types listed above into your process as long as you are in the WBM Basic mode. 只要采用WBMBasic模式,可以将上面列出的所有不可用的元素类型包括到流程中。
Also, although in the Technical Attributes View in WBM you can specify a task as a process that can then be transformed into a standalone BPEL process, you cannot model that standalone process in WBM. 另外,尽管在WBM的技术属性视图中可以将任务指定为可稍后转换为独立BPEL的流程,但不能在WBM中对该独立流程进行建模。
Create WBM Model: In this stage the business analyst models the process in WBM based on the requirements. 创建WBM模型:在这个步骤中,业务分析师根据需求在WBM中为流程建模。
'All eyes are firmly on Greece, and the political uncertainty will continue to weigh on sentiment,' said Eric Wand, a strategist at Lloyds Bank WBM. 莱斯银行(LloydsBankWBM)的策略师万德(EricWand)说,所有目光都在紧盯着希腊,政治前景不明朗将继续拖累人气。
DESIGN SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS BY ELASTO-VISCOPLASTIC BEM Research on sensitivity of structure-acoustic coupled system using wave based method 用于设计灵敏度分析的弹粘塑性边界元法基于WBM法的结构-声学耦合系统设计灵敏度研究
Research on sensitivity of structure-acoustic coupled system using wave based method 基于WBM法的结构-声学耦合系统设计灵敏度研究
A new phase-field model is developed based on the Ginzberg-Landau theory, which is consistent with WBM model and KKS model. 基于GinzbergLandau理论,发展了一个与WBM模型和KKS模型一致的新相场模型。
Third, we mainly research the technology of WBM, standard and related Web technology. 第三,主要研究了WBM的产生,技术、标准和相关的Web技术。