VERB 给(婴儿或幼崽)断奶 When a baby or baby animal is weaned, its mother stops feeding it milk and starts giving it other food, especially solid food.
The baby would be weaned and she would bring it home... 婴儿断奶后,她会把婴儿带回家。
When would be the best time to start weaning my baby?... 什么时候开始给我的孩子断奶最好?
Phil took the labrador home and is weaning him off milk on to meat... 菲尔把拉布拉多犬带回了家,正给它断奶,改喂肉食。
Once weaned, the piglets may be put in pens. 一旦断了奶,小猪就可以放进猪圈了。
VERB 使放弃,使戒掉,使不再依赖(尤指恶习) If you wean someone off a habit or something they like, you gradually make them stop doing it or liking it, especially when you think is bad for them.
He was mellowed by a wife who weaned him off violence and drink... 他妻子帮他戒除了动粗和嗜酒的恶习,使他变得成熟了。
You are given pills with small quantities of nicotine to wean you from cigarettes... 会给你一些含少量尼古丁的药片帮你戒除烟瘾。
Children should be weaned off television... 孩子应该少看电视。
It's two years since I've seen Iain. I'm still trying to wean myself off him but it's hard. 我已有两年没见过伊恩了。我试图让自己不再去想他,可很难做到。