The goal is to help the webmaster better manage the Web site& without sacrificing raw performance. 目标是帮助网站管理员更好管理网站-不必牺牲原来的性能。
To call on DirectoryReader, the webmaster must create an XML document and insert a special xm: Directory element where he or she needs the file list. 要调用DirectoryReader,Web管理员必须创建XML文档,并他或她需要这个文件列表的地方插入一个特殊的xm:Directory元素。
As any webmaster knows, maintaining long list of links by hand is particularly tedious. 正如任何Web管理员所知道,手工维护长的链接列表是非常单调乏味的。
The webmaster must update the server configuration to use the most appropriate MIME type. Web管理员必须更新服务器配置,以使用最恰当的MIME类型。
For a download section, the webmaster must not only select and prepare the files but must also create and maintain one or more pages with links to the actual files. 对于下载部分,Web管理员不仅必须要选择和准备文件,而且必须创建和维护一个或多个带有到实际文件链接的页面。
Overall I have found that, while scripts and databases may make life easier for the webmaster, they are far from optimal for the visitor. 总的来说,我发现虽然脚本和数据库可以使网站管理员的生活更轻松,但对于访问者来说,它们远远不够理想。
To send comments about the web pages to the webmaster. 关于网页把评价送到网络管理员。
The writer is the webmaster of Baby Must Haves which covers what you need when you have a baby. 作者是网站管理员的婴儿,必须有,其中包括您所需要的,当你有一个婴儿。
Dear webmaster, I'm afraid that there are some mistakes in the reference answers above. 版主,你那上面的参考答案中有单词写错了!
Welcome to your one-stop shop for webmaster resources that will help you with your crawling and indexing questions, introduce you to offerings that can enhance and increase traffic to your site, and connect you with your visitors. 为将帮助你做好你的爬行并且索引的问题的网络管理员资源欢迎光临你的包罗一切的商店,把你介绍给能提高并且增加交通到你的地点的礼物,并且与你的来宾一起连接你。
Register with Webmaster Tools and check Message center, you'll know if Google has notified you of this or any other problems while crawling your sites. 如果您注册了网站管理员工具并查看消息中心的话,您将会了解谷歌是否已就这些问题向您发出了提醒。
Please contact your webmaster you can obtain a new password. 请您的网络管理员,您可以从他那里新口令。
Before building a site, every webmaster has to make a decision on what layout method to use. 网站构建之前,每一个网站管理员都需要决定布局方法。
Send a webmaster an alert to every post you make on your website. 每在你的网站发篇文章就给其他站长发提醒。
The UGC and the webmaster reserve the right to remove messages at any time. 大学教育资助委员会及网站管理员保留随时删除留言之权利。
Did the place of lixiao's webmaster's place carry out? 李枭版主所在的地方执行了吗?
The best way to detect these errors is by using Google Webmaster Tools. 检测此类错误的最佳方式就是使用Google网站管理员工具(GWT)。
One webmaster, who has the right to update and make change on our webpage. 一位网络管理员,有权利更新和完善我们的网页。
If you're still unable to resolve your issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. 如果你仍然无法解决您的问题,请参阅我们的网站管理员帮助论坛支持。
What should the Webmaster Central team do next? 网站管理员中心组该怎么办呢?
Please report errors and dead links, mail your comments and suggestions on the site to webmaster. 请报告错误和无效链接,邮件发表你的意见和建议,对网站给网络管理员。
There are many tutorials to tell you how to build a website or to be a good webmaster. 有很多教材或者指南教你如何建设一个网站,成为一个网站管理员。
If you are not sure what's causing this to occur, please contact your software developer or webmaster for more details. 如果你不知道是什么导致这种情况发生,请联系您的详细信息软件开发人员或管理员。
For any comments& suggestions, please email to Webmaster. 任何意见及建议,欢迎电邮至网站管理人。
Webmaster address field cannot be empty. 站点管理员地址域不能为空。
We'll then review your site for compliance with the webmaster guidelines. 然后,我们将审核您的网站是否符合网站管理员指南的要求。
We are looking for a Website Designer and Webmaster to collaborate in the development and maintenance of our website. 我们正在寻找一位网站设计和管理专员协助网站的开发和维护。
I do not respond to "Dear Webmaster" or "Fellow Blogger" or anything remotely similar. 我从不对“亲爱的网络管理员”或者“博客伙伴”或者任何微微类似的东西作出回应。
A former art-computer science double-major at Stanford University, Hwang is also now Google's Webmaster. 黄正穆毕业于美国斯坦福大学,拥有艺术和计算机科学双学位,现在他同时还是谷歌的网站管理员。
A. You can go to forgot password page or send email to the FMO webmaster. 你访问忘记密码页或发送电子邮件给FMO网络管理员。